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Hymn 45.

[Jesu, to Thee our hearts we lift]

Jesu, to Thee our hearts we lift,
Our hearts which now with love o'erflow,
With thanks for Thy continued gift,
That still Thy precious name we know,
Retain the sense of sin forgiven,
And wait for all our inward heaven.
What mighty troubles hast Thou shown
Thy feeble tempted followers here!
We have through fire and water gone,
But saw Thee on the floods appear,
But felt Thee present in the flame,
And shouted our Deliverer's name.
When stronger souls their faith forsook,
And lull'd in worldly hellish peace,
Leap'd desperate from their guardian Rock,
And headlong plunged in sin's abyss,
Thy power was in our weakness shown,
And still it keeps our souls Thine own.


All are not lost, or wander'd back,
All have not left Thy church, and Thee:
There are who suffer for Thy sake,
Enjoy Thy glorious infamy,
Esteem the scandal of Thy cross,
And only seek Divine applause.
We do not shamefully desert
Thy poor afflicted flock below,
Yield to the reverend tempter's art
Or sell our friend, to buy our foe,
To' increase the world's triumphant scorn,
And make our blushing brethren mourn.
The grace which kept us to this hour,
Shall keep us faithful to the end,
When clothed with majesty and power
Our Jesus shall from heaven descend,
His friends and confessors to own,
And seat us on His glorious throne.