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Ranolf and Amohia

A dream of two lives. By Alfred Domett. New edition, revised

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“Many a moon he mourned—Tawháki. Then he started to discover
Where they grew, those happy creepers, that could help a hapless lover.
Many a moon he roamed—Tawháki. And his heart was sore and weary
When he found himself despondent in a forest grand and dreary;
(Ah! that wildering wildwood—who can tell how dense it was and tangled!)


Where in wanton woody ringlets many a rope of trailers dangled.
Rapt, absorbed in her pursuit, a blind old Crone those creepers tended;
Caught at, groped and felt for any that within her reach descended.
He, an ancestress discerning, ere for counsel he implored her,
Touched her eyes, a charm repeating, and to sight at once restored her.
Then they found a creeper rooted, finely for his purpose suited.
Up he went exultingly, bold-hearted, joyous-eyed, firm-footed.
At the treetop, see! a tiny spiderthread upshooting shiny,
Wavering, viewless half, yet ever held aloft by mere endeavour!
With a beating heart, Tawháki, muttering many an incantation—
Wild with hope so high it takes the very hue of desperation,
Clasps the clue so evanescent; then with yearnings deep, incessant,
Seeing in the vault above him only Hapae's eyes that love him,
Up and up, for ever upward mounts he dauntless—nothing scares him,
Up through azure bright Abysses still that thread in triumph bears him!
Suddenly a sunny grove is round him—cheery people working
At a great Canoe, appear. All day he keeps the thicket, lurking,
Till when balmy Shadow veils them and serenest Sleep assails them,


Stripping off his youthful glory, out he steals, an old Man hoary;
Strikes a few swift strokes, and magic-like the work is ended
Graceful with its lofty stern, with open-circled fretwork splendid,
Lo! the great Canoe completed! To his copse he then retreated;
On another hollowed trunk next night the wonderwork repeated.
—Those Celestials marvelled greatly; yet reflecting in their pleasure
Such a worker were a treasure as a Slave beyond all measure,
Watched and clutched that Old Man wilful—so decrepit yet so skilful,
And to their great Ruler bore him.—O delight! who sits before him?
'Tis his beautiful benign One, 'tis his downy-plumed divine one,
Hapae! will he now deride her or the subtle Elf beside her!—
Kindly greeted, with caresses he the Child allures and presses
To his heart no more to sever. Then, as he flings off for ever
That disguise's dim defilement, Hapae smiles sweet reconcilement;
Swift, the Child they bathe, baptize it, lustral waters o'er it dashing;
And Tawháki—breast and brow sublime insufferably flashing,
Hid in lightnings, as he looks out from the thunder-cloven portals
Of the sky—stands forth confest—a God and one of the Immortals!”