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Sigh no more, sigh no more, sad one, sigh no more;
Tell me why should you not bear what others did before?
Grief is but the passing cloud
Shadowing you like all the crowd;
If the passing cloud were not,
Summer would be all too hot—
Then sigh no more, sigh no more, sad one, sigh no more.
“Love no more, love no more, fond one, love no more.”
Thus have many wise ones sung in wisdom's days of yore;
But other forms there are indeed
I'd embrace before their creed:
Perhaps when I'm threescore and ten,
I may sing—but not till then—
“Love no more, love no more, fond one, love no more.”


Doubt no more, doubt no more, of woman, doubt no more:—
Yet one with one is not so sure as “two and two make four.”
Yet doubt not woman is divine;—
She transcends an earthly line;
Beyond all mortal care—'tis true—
Perhaps she does not care for you
So doubt no more, doubt no more, sceptic, doubt no more!