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Oh for a Seraph's golden lyre,
With chords of light, and tones of fire,
To sing that wondrous love
Which brought a Deity below,
To save an erring race from wo,
And give them joys above.


Oh may that love inspire my soul,
Till such ecstatic numbers roll,
As are by angels given;
To tell Redemption's wondrous plan,
How Heaven descended down to man,
That man might rise to heaven.
His creatures fell—no pitying eye,
No powerful arm to save, was nigh,
Or aid our feeble powers;
He saw—he came—he fought alone,
And conquered evils not his own,
That we might conquer ours.
Temptation's thorny path he trod,
In form, a man—in soul, a God,
And trod the path alone;
In vain the direst fiends assailed,
His mighty arm of power prevailed,
And hell was overthrown.
He passed the dismal vale of death—
The human form resigned its breath,
And like a mortal died;
But death was crushed beneath his feet,
He rose a God and Man complete,
His human glorified.


Amazing mercy!—love immense!
Surpassing every human sense,
Since time and sense began!
That man might shun the realms of pain,
And know and love his God again,
His God became a man!