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Att a Courte helde ye laste October 1621

Att a Courte helde ye laste
October 1621


Sr Phillip Cary.  mr Blande.  mr Sewarde. 
Sr Henry Rainsforde.  Capt Tucker.  mr Meuerell. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Palmer.  mr Lawrance. 
mr Deputy Ferrar.  mr Bull.  mr Barnarde. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Barbor.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Wrote.  mr Boothbie.  mr Ewer. 
mr Gulstone.  mr Caswell.  mr Newporte. 
mr Keightley.  mr Baynam.  mr Robertℯ. 
mr Nicho: Farrar.  mr Newland.  mr Whitley. 
mr Berblock.  mr Ayres.  With Divers others. 
Captaine Bargraue.  mr Widdowes. 
Capt Rossingham.  mr Bennett. 
mr Edwardℯ.  mr Webb. 
mr Gosnolde. 


Mr Deputy declared vnto the Courte that hee and those gentlemen
appoynted by the last Courte had deliuered vnto the ll͠s of the Coun-
sell the Companies aunswer and resolucon ∥to forbeare∥ to bringe in
any Tobacco att all for this year followinge which as their ll͠ps for-
merly intimated they conceaved would have given them full sattisfac-
con; Butt their llps: tearmed itt an vnduetifull answere and com-
maunded them on their p̱ills to bringe in all their Tobacco, against wch
himselfe and the rest alleadged all the reasons yt were so often in the
Courte discussed, of impossibilitie inconvenyency and the supposed
[ou] ouerthrowe of the Plantac̃on But their Lops told them that they
were not to dispute at that Boorde, and againe gave them an absolute
com̃aund to bring in all their Tobacco [274][1044] Att this Reporte the
Court remained much greiued and conceauinge it a matter of greater
importance and difficulty then to admitt any present deliberac̃on
espeacially of so fewe they were resolued that the buissines should be
reserued entire for the Preparatiue and Quarter Courtℯ to take into
their graue considerac̃ons howe the Companie should proceed between
two such extreame difficulties as their llps. com̃aund and the vtter dis-
hartninge of all both Aduenturers and Planters.

mr Deputy gaue
notice of ye Lordℯ
Comaund to bringe
in all their Tobac-
co into England.

Notwithstandinge these apprehended disasters mr Deputy exorted the
Companie not to be discouraged for that he hoped God had still a
hand in the protecc̃on of Virginia who turned all thingℯ for the best,
when diuers former Proiectℯ in their first appearance seemed to tend
towardℯ the verie distrucc̃on of the Plantac̃on; and therefore hoped
that hauing put their handℯ to the Plough they would not nowe looke
back nor be weary of well doeinge for the Acc̃on it selfe was such, as
he knewe no man but confessed it to be most Christian honoble and
glorious, and of high consequence vnto this com̃onwealth and though
they might seeme to some to haue cast their bread vpon the waters;
yet after many dayes he doubted not but they should finde it againe,
to their great comfort, the rather in reguard their ll͠ps professed to
wish the prosperity of the Plantac̃on from whome wee may not de
* * * ∥despaire∥ of helpe or redresse vpon further informac̃on.


Mr Deputy further declared that albeit the Companies Stocke beinge
well nighe exhausted was able to doe but litle this present yeare for
sendinge of people to Virginia, yet it pleased God to stirr vp so many
worthie mindℯ for the aduancemt of this noble Acc̃on, as there was
no lesse wthin the space of these 5 6 §six§ Moneths then 20: Sayle
with those already gonn and that would after Christmas (by Godℯ
assistance) sett out for the Plantac̃ons, whereby aboue 1000 p̱sons
wilbe transported, whereof neare 900 went vpon priuate mens charges,
And as at home so abroad likewise euen from Cape Bona Speranza
God had raised vp many benefactors towardℯ this good worke, inso-
much as the Companie of gentlemen and Marriners that lately came
home from the Indies in the Royall Iames had giuen a contribuc̃on of
70li towardℯ the buildinge of a Church or Schoole in Virginia besidℯ a
probable hope of a further [275] supplie from diuers factories in the
East Indies through ye solicitac̃on of a learned Minister (namely mr
Copland) by whose good example and p̱swasion they were moued to
this pious worke.

Hee also signified that forsomuch as it was referred vnto the Com-
panie to determine whither the said money should be imploied towardℯ
the buildinge of a Church or a schoole as aforesaid, the Com̃ittee
appointed haue had conference with mr Copland about it, and do
hold it fitt for many important reasons to imploye the said contribu-
c̃on towardℯ the errecc̃on of a publique free schoole in Virginia,
towardℯ wch an vnknowne person hath likewise giuen 30li as may
appeare by the Report of the said Com̃ittee nowe presented to be


The handwriting changes at the top of the following page to that of an unidentified copyist,
referred to in the "Introduction" as the fourth copyist. See Plate—.