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At Antioch first the Name of Christ
Came down and clothed His Race:
Enthroned at Antioch Peter reared
His earlier resting-place.
O Eastern Church! Imperial Schism
Swept from thy forehead crown and chrism:
Loose from the fold thy Cæsars broke:
Thy penance came—the Moslem yoke!
O Eastern Church so great of old
What art thou at this hour?
God called thee! why that backward gaze
Servile to mortal Power?
Thou stand'st amid the salt sand-waste
A queenly statue fire-defaced;
A Pillar wrecked of sentenced Pride,
A dead Faith's Image petrified!


Eastward, heaven-warned, the Empire ranged;
Byzantium ruled, not Rome:
Westward the Church; the Vatican
Not Salem was her home.
Like ships that each the other pass
Swift-borne through mist o'er seas of glass
Those Spirits of a converse lot
Each other crossed and answered not.
Of all those Patriarchal Thrones
Whereon the Apostles sate
But one survives, the bond and seal
Of Christ's Episcopate:
There Peter reigns, and by his side
That great compeer who with him died;
One walked the Gentiles' utmost bound,
One sate, the Church's centre crowned.
The Alexandrian altar fell,
Jerusalem, like thine,
Poor Reliquaries they of Faith
This hour, no more the Shrine:
Chalcedon, Ephesus, and Nice,
The Councils like the Arts of Greece,
Their names are fair in sacred lore;
The spirit of Life is theirs no more.
Thus in the dust of centuries sleep
The glories once so bright;
Rome, Rome alone whose vigil lasts
Through all the wandering night


Still marks with awe and notes with care
The spots where orbs that are not were:
Her Ephemerides retain
Their names and places—not in vain.
The Pilot of the Barque divine
Still sees as on he steers
Sad Antioch's ever-setting star
O'erhang the seas of years;
Sees rather where it shone of old
A radiance posthumous and cold,
A monitory gleam and grand
Impassive as a dead man's hand.
Dread monument! 'Tis thine to lay
That warning Hand and frore
On breasts of panting kings and realms
That kings for Gods adore:
To freeze the Gentile Hope, to bind
The loftier with the lowlier mind,
And with the weight of all the past
Confirmed that greatness shaped to last.

St. Paul.