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If I go first, convey to all the flowers
Thanks for the fragrance of a thousand hours:
My thanks return to all the bowers of June;
To friendly stars, to ever-faithful moon.
When sweet in spring the lilac-clusters smell
Remember there was one who loved them well:
But take no thanks, no greeting to the sea,
For that is even a part, the soul, of me;
May ever the soul within my slumbering form
Thrill to the blast, and madden at the storm!
When thou dost note the purple pansy, bright
Just in the centre with one gold star's light,
Or when thou gatherest from the wildwood sprays
Pink shell-like roses in the glad June days,
Remember one who loved—or loves, who knows?—
Night in the pansy, sundawn in the rose.


This sculptured bust of one in days that were
Not deeplier loved than thou art, nor more fair,
This, if thou wilt, in soft remembrance take,
And, with her picture, cherish for my sake.
As thou hast watched full oft beside her tomb,
Watch beside mine; and pierce the lampless gloom
With stars more potent than the stars on high,
The starry love that sways eternity.