University of Virginia Library

Sec. 20-13. Aisles; entrance and exit driveways.

Aisles, entrance and exit driveways shall be built to the following
minimum specifications:

(1) Aisles with two-way traffic movement shall be not less
than twenty-two feet in width.

(2) Aisles with one-way traffic movement shall be as specified

(a) Aisles serving ninety degree parking shall be not less
than twenty-two feet in width.

(b) Aisles serving sixty degree parking shall be not less
than twenty feet in width.

(c) Aisles serving forty-five degree parking shall be not
less than fifteen feet in width.

(d) Aisles serving thirty degree parking shall be not less
than twelve feet in width.

(e) Where such aisles serve parallel parking which are
located immediately adjacent to buildings they shall be not less
than sixteen feet in width. All other aisles serving parallel
parking shall be twelve feet in width or as much additional
width as may be required for access of emergency vehicles or
curvilinear streets.

(3) The location and design of entrance and exit driveways
for all lots, except those serving one-family and two-family
residences, shall be approved by the city manager to insure a
safe and convenient means of ingress and egress. (Code 1959,
§ 20-13; 3-6-67; 8-4-69.)