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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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AN ODE [FOR TWO VOICES] FOR THE Birth-Day of Her Royal Highness THE PRINCESS of WALES, St. David's Day, the First of March, 1715–16.


AN ODE [FOR TWO VOICES] FOR THE Birth-Day of Her Royal Highness THE PRINCESS of WALES, St. David's Day, the First of March, 1715–16.


Set to Musick by Dr. PEPUSCH. And Perform'd at the Anniversary Meeting of the Society of Ancient Britons, establish'd in Honour of Her Royal Highness's Birth-Day, and of the Principality of Wales.

Salve læta dies! meliorque revertere semper,
A populo rerum digna potente coli!


  • First Voice, Fame.
  • Second Voice, Cambria, or the Principality of WALES.
Both Voices,
with a Trumpet.
To Joy, to Triumphs dedicate the Day!

Rise, Goddess of immortal Fame,
And, with thy Trumpet's swelling Sound,
To all Britannia's Realms around,
The double Festival proclaim.

The Goddess of immortal Fame
Shall, with her Trumpet's swelling Sound,
To all Britannia's Realms around,
The double Festival proclaim.


O'er Cambria's distant Hills let the loud Notes rebound!
Each British Soul be rais'd, and ev'ry Eye be gay!
To Joy, to Triumphs dedicate the Day.

Hail, Cambria! long to Fame well known!
Thy Patron-Saint looks smiling down,
Well pleas'd to see
His Day, prolifick of Renown,
Increas'd in Honours to himself, and Thee;
See Carolina's Natal Star arise,
And with new Beams adorn thy Azure Skies!
Tho' on her Virtues I shou'd ever dwell,
Fame cannot all her num'rous Virtues tell.
Bright in her self, and in her Offspring bright,
On Britain's Throne she casts diffusive Light;
Detraction from her Presence flies;
And while promiscuous Crouds in Rapture gaze;
E'en Tongues disloyal learn her Praise,
And murm'ring Envy sees her smile, and dies.
Happy Morn! such Gifts bestowing!
Britain's Joys from thee are flowing;
Ever thus Auspicious Shine!


Happy Isle! such Gifts possessing!
Britain, ever own the Blessing!
Carolina's Charms are thine.

Nor yet, O Fame, dost thou display
All the Triumphs of this Day;
More Wonders yet arise to Sight!
See! o'er these Rites what mighty Pow'r presides;
Behold, to thee his early Steps he guides;
What noble Ardour does his Soul excite!
Henceforth, when to the listning Universe
Thou number'st o'er my Princes of Renown,
The second Hope of Britain's Crown,
When my great Edward's Deeds thou shalt rehearse,
And tell of Cressy's well-fought Plain,
Thy golden Trumpet sound again!
The brave Augustus shall renew thy Strain,
And Oudenarda's Fight immortalize the Verse.


With a Harp.
Heav'nly Muses! tune your Lyres,
Far resounding;
Grace the Hero's glorious Name.
See! the Song new Life inspires!
Ev'ry Breast, with Joy abounding,
Seems to share the Hero's Flame.

O thou, with ev'ry Virtue crown'd,
Britannia's Father, and her King renown'd!
Thus in thy Offspring greatly blest,
While thro' th'extended Royal Line,
Thou seest thy propagated Lustre shine,
What secret Raptures fill thy Breast!
So smiles Apollo, doubly Gay,
When in the Diamond, with full Blaze,
He views his own Paternal Rays,
And all his bright reflected Day.

Hail Source of Blessings to our Isle!
While gloomy Clouds shall take their Flight,
Shot thro' by thy Victorious Light,
Propitious ever on thy Britons smile!


To Joy, to Triumphs dedicate the Day.

Rise, Goddess of immortal Fame,
And, with thy Trumpet's swelling Sound,
To all Britannia's Realms around,
The double Festival proclaim.

The Goddess of immortal Fame
Shall, with her Trumpet's swelling Sound,
To all Britannia's Realms around,
The double Festival proclaim.

O'er Cambria's distant Hills let the loud Notes rebound!
Each British Soul be rais'd, and ev'ry Eye be gay!
To Joy, to Triumphs dedicate the Day.


His Royal Highness, President of the Society.

Edward, the Black Prince.