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Seuen Sinnes þer ben dedly:
Pruide, Wraþþe, Sleuþe, and Envy,
Glotonye, and gredines also,
Couetyse and lecheri, wiþ hem to go.
Pruide no-þing elles ne is
Bote loue to muche monnes hihnes.
And of him comeþ oþur seuene:
Vnbuxumnes, þat draweþ from heuene,
Aȝeynes god, be þou serteyn,
Or elles aȝeyn his souereyn;
Þat is to sei, I telle þe son,
To leue þat is hym beden don—
Þus is he peired and not mendet,
He doþ þing þat him is defendet.
Þat oþur þing is Auauntyng,
Whon mon of oþur monnes þing
And to him-self bi wikkednes
He hateþ and bringeþ him in distres.
Þe þridde spice is Ypocrisye,
Whon mon feineþ him to haue in hiȝe
Holines þat he haþ nouht,
And doþ his wikkednes in dede and þouȝt.
Þe ffeorþe spice, hit is þen
Dispit þat he haþ to oþur men,


Whon mon reherceþ oþur mennes good dede,
He wolde beo holde þe beter in leode.
Þe ffyfþe spice is Arrogaunce boun,
Whon a Mon Makeþ comparisoun
Bi-twenen his vuel doynges
And oþur mennes for eny þinges,
ffor his wikkednes and trespas
Scholde seme muche þe las.
Þe sixte spice is boldnes in nome,
Whon a Mon haþ no schome
Of his grete wikkednes forþi
Þat he haþ don so openly.
Þe seuenþe Elaciun is to rede,
Whon mon is proud of his vuel dede.
Þou schalt wite boþe in and out
Þat þis þreo þinges makeþ Mon prout:
Þat is to wite and haue in muynde
Þe goodes þat he haþ of kuynde,
Þat is of feirnes, or strengþe to say,
Or souereyn wit, or Noblay—
Þat noblei calle I in þis stage
He þat is prout of hei lynage.
Þat oþur þing is and euer was
Þe godus þat men han of purchas,
As wittes, vertuwes euerichane,
Graces, Dignite, and eke good fame.
Þe þridde is worldly godus þus,
As Cloþinge, housynge, Rentes, possessions,
Meyne, and also gret honour
Of þe worldly þinges in eueri stour.