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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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My Fare-well to him.

Now Coriat, I with thee haue euer done,
My Muse vnto her iournies end hath wonne:
My first Inuentions highly did displease thee,
And these my last are written to appease thee.
I wrought these great Herculean works to win thee:
Then if they please thee not, the foole's within thee:
What next I write, shall better be or none,
Doe thou let me, and I'l let thee alone.
But if thou seem'st to rub a galled sore,
Vindictas vengeance makes all Hell to rore.