University of Virginia Library

Epigram. 19. In Lusillam.

Lvsilla , though her beauty be out-wore,
Yet hath an Image of her fairest hew,
As when she was but sixteene, and no more,
That in her Chamber hangs to open view;
To all that come, that portrature she showes,
And sighs she is not what she was whilere,
This surrow'd face so full of Cris-crosse rowes,
Was once (quoth she) such as you see it there:
With that she leaues him gazing on hir picture,
And makes to goe, she knowes not whereabout;
But what's her meaning I cannot coniecture,
Except she would her picture prostitute:
And that it be more like her, and be lewd,
While she absents hir selfe so like a bawd.