A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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A Collection of Emblemes | ||
Illvstr. XXIII.
[Old Sages by the Figure of the Snake]
Through many spaces, Time doth run,
And, endeth, where it first begun.
And, endeth, where it first begun.
Sages by the Figure of the Snake
(Encircled thus) did oft expression make
Of Annuall-Revolutions; and of things,
Which wheele about in everlasting-rings;
There ending, where they first of all begun,
And, there beginning, where the Round was done.
Thus, doe the Planets; Thus, the Seasons doe;
And, thus, doe many other Creatures, too.
(Encircled thus) did oft expression make
Of Annuall-Revolutions; and of things,
Which wheele about in everlasting-rings;
There ending, where they first of all begun,
And, there beginning, where the Round was done.
Thus, doe the Planets; Thus, the Seasons doe;
And, thus, doe many other Creatures, too.
By minutes, and by houres, the Spring steales in,
And, rolleth on, till Summer doth begin:
The Summer brings on Autumne, by degrees;
So ripening, that the eye of no man sees
Her Entrances. That Season, likewise, hath
To Winter-ward, as leasurely a path:
And, then, cold Winter wheeleth on amaine,
Vntill it bring: the Spring about againe,
With all those Resurrections, which appeare,
To wait upon her comming, every yeare.
And, rolleth on, till Summer doth begin:
The Summer brings on Autumne, by degrees;
So ripening, that the eye of no man sees
Her Entrances. That Season, likewise, hath
To Winter-ward, as leasurely a path:
And, then, cold Winter wheeleth on amaine,
Vntill it bring: the Spring about againe,
With all those Resurrections, which appeare,
To wait upon her comming, every yeare.
These Roundells, helpe to shew the Mystery
Of that immense and blest Eternitie,
From whence the Creatvre sprung, and, into whom
It shall, againe, with full perfection come,
When those Additions, it hath fully had,
Which all the sev'rall Orbes of Time can add.
It is a full, and fairely written Scrowle,
Which up into it selfe, it selfe doth rowle;
And, by Vnfolding, and, Infolding, showes
A Round, which neither End, nor entrance knowes.
And (by this Emblem) you may partly see,
Tis that which IS, but, cannot uttred be.
Of that immense and blest Eternitie,
From whence the Creatvre sprung, and, into whom
It shall, againe, with full perfection come,
When those Additions, it hath fully had,
Which all the sev'rall Orbes of Time can add.
It is a full, and fairely written Scrowle,
Which up into it selfe, it selfe doth rowle;
And, by Vnfolding, and, Infolding, showes
A Round, which neither End, nor entrance knowes.
And (by this Emblem) you may partly see,
Tis that which IS, but, cannot uttred be.
A Collection of Emblemes | ||