University of Virginia Library



Thus as I wrett, with full Intent to end
these doolfull songs which dois hir death deplore,
me thought I saw downe from the heavens discend
that peirles perle quhome I in hairt adore,
In courtlye grace, in semlye schaw & glore,
In heuinlye [fr]ame, and beautye without blame,
with all these g[i]fts which she posest before,
most lovingly[e] to call me be my name:
O Fouler! o immortall be thy fame!
Lat never dame thy honest suit disdaine;
thy machth[l]es faith of trewth deservs the same;
though thow my loue by death did not obtea[ne],
thow death hes kild; thy verse dois mak me liue,
and with thy name my fame sal ay reviue.”