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Parthenophil and Parthenophe

Sonnettes, Madrigals, Elegies and Odes [by Barnabe Barnes]

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[Why did the milke which first, Alcides nurrish't]

Why did the milke which first, Alcides nurrish't
(Ingendring with Cybele) breede the lillye?
Th' Assiriā hunters bloud why hath it florish't
The rose with red? why did the Daffadillye
Spring from Narcissus selfe conceited loue?
Why did great Ioue (for the Pæneian cowe)
Deuise the marble colour'd vyolet?
Or what for Phoebus loue, from mountaines hyllye
Did Hyacinthe to rosie blushes moue?
Since my sweet mystresse vnder Phoebes browe,
Iunoes and fayre Adonis flowers hath set:
Adowne her necke Narcissus golde doth bowe,
Ioes gray violettes in her Christall lightes,
Th' Oebalian boyes complection still alightes
Vpon her Hyacinthine lippes like Rubye:
And with loues purest sanguine Cupid writes
The prayse of bewtie through the vaynes which blew bee,
Conducted through loues sluice to thy face rosie,
Where doues, and redbrestes sit for Venus rightes:
In signe that I to the will euer true bee,


The rose, and lillyes shall adorne my poasie:
The vyolettes, and Hyacinthe shall knitte
With Daphadill, which shall embellish it
Such heauenly flowers in earthly poases few bee.