University of Virginia Library


Young man—my neighbour on the right
No doubt you think you're fine
Your coat's a very proper coat,
Your boots and buttons shine,
And if you'd only hold your tongue
You'd be a harmless flat,
But talking to that pretty girl!
What would the man be at?
Young Miss—I like your curling hair,
I love your melting eyes,
But was that last remark you made
So very, very wise?
I know you have a feeling heart,
But don't you think it's queer
To look so sweet and languishing
On such a fool, my dear?
Old gentleman—I know you have
A golden headed cane,
And what if you should take it up
And sally out again?
The night, my friend, is very warm,
The room is very full,
And those long stories that you tell,
Old gentleman, are dull.
I hear the gentle waiter's step!
I see the salver's gleam!
There is a joy in frosted cake—
A rapture in a cream;
I go to join the gathering crowd,
And thus I leave the hall.


O many heart is bounding high,
But mine the most of all!