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Rounded Lives

Rounded Lives

Fraternities today seek well-rounded
lives, making nights in the
library, an afternoon at a football
game, or the sound of a good band
in the house on a Saturday night all
equally important.

In 1920 the fraternities
organized to form the Inter-Fraternity
Council, a body representing
each fraternity and regulating the
business concerning the fraternity
system. The IFC sponsors an annual
carnival for handicapped children at
the Rehabilitated Children's Center
and schedules the rush programs
that bring the first-year men and
fraternities together.

Rush is the first official contact
that the prospective pledge will
have with the fraternity system.
Formal rush begins with the distribution
of smoker invitations during
dorm visits September 23.

First-year men interested in
rushing often find dorm visits an
excellent time to meet members of
fraternities that visit them.