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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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E. M. Caro, le pessimisme au XIXe siècle (Paris, 1876).
Paul Claudel, et al., le mal est parmi nous (Paris, 1948).
Paul Haberlin, Das Böse (Bern, 1960). Eduard von Hart-
mann, The Philosophy of the Unconscious, trans. E. C.
Coupland, new ed. (London, 1931); idem, Zur Geschichte
und Begründung des Pessimismus
(Leipzig, 1891). William
King, An Essay on the Origin of Evil (Cambridge, 1739).
Émile Lasbax, le problème du mal (Paris, 1919). G. W.
Leibniz, la théodicée (1710), in Leibnitii Opera, ed. J. E.
Erdmann (Berlin, 1840). Ernest Naville, le problème du mal
(Geneva, 1868). Plato, Dialogues of Plato, trans. Benjamin
Jowett, 3rd ed. (Oxford, 1892). Josiah Royce, Studies in Good
and Evil
(New York, 1898). Arthur Schopenhauer, The World
as Will and Idea,
trans. R. B. Haldane and J. Kemp, 6th
ed., 3 vols. (London, 1907); idem, The Basis of Morality,
trans. A. B. Bullock (London, 1903); idem, Studies in Pes-
trans. T. B. Saunders, 4th ed. (London, 1893). A. G.
Sertillanges, le problème du mal, 2 vols. (Paris, 1948-51).
Paul Siwek, The Philosophy of Evil (New York, 1951). James
Sully, Pessimism (London, 1871). Radoslav A. Tsanoff, The
Nature of Evil
(New York, 1931; 1971). R. M. Wenley, Aspects
of Pessimism
(Edinburgh and London, 1894). Charles
Werner, le problème du mal dans la pensée humaine
(Lausanne, 1946).


[See also Buddhism; Demonology; Dualism; Existentialism;
God; Happiness and Pleasure; Hierarchy; Neo-Platonism;
Right and Good; Sin and Salvation; Theodicy; Utilitarian-