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At a Courte helde ye 24th: October 1621.

At a Courte helde ye 24th: October 1621.

mr Deputy.  mr Abra: Chamberlyne.  mr Widdowes. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Berblock.  mr Baynam. 
Docto: Winstone.  mr Blande.  mr Bolton. 
mr Robert Smith.  mr Bull.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Iohn Smith.  mr Bennett.  mr Morewoode. 
mr Nich: Ferrar.  mr Ayres.  mr Lambe. 
Captaine Bargraue.  mr Wiseman.  mr Georg Smith. 
mr Tomlynis.  mr Darnelly.  mr Robertℯ. 
mr Stewarde.  mr Caswell.  mr Webb. 
mr Rogers.  mr Couell.  mr Fogge. 
mr Edwards.  mr Barbor.  Wth Divers Others. 

The aunswere of the Virginia Company to the Right honorable the
ll͠s of his Mats: pryvy Counsell touchinge their ll͠ps: proposic̃ons for ye
bringinge in or not bringinge in of all their Tobacco from Virginia
into England beinge now p̢sented to be read and taken into due con
siderac̃on was well approved of and ordered to be p̢sented to the ll͠s:
that afternoone in the name of the Company, and divers appoynted
to attend mr Deputy aboute the same.

The answere to ye
ll͠s: approued &
ordered to be pre-
sented Cr

The moste humble aunswere of the Virginia Company to the
Right Honobl͠: the Lords of his Mats: most honobl͠: pryvy

May it please yor Lop̃s:
They have accordinge to yor llps: order given mr Iacob a meetinge but
could not from him vnderstand any possible means of accomodac̃on
butt such as would breed the vtter ruyne and ouerthrowe of ye Planta-
c̃on to wch out of their bounden duety to god and his Maty: they may
not agree. ffor their p̱ts they made offer to deliuer him all their
Tobacco belonginge to themselves here att home for goods sent here-
tofore and this last yeares ∥wch they conceaue may amount to fifty
thowsand weight this yeare∥ if hee would give him good security to

The Companies
answere to the
Lords touchinge
their llps proposi


make them butt savers wch hee refused to doe, wherby yor llps may
see how great their desires is to give yor honors sattisfacc̃on, And
humbly beseech to have free libertie to bringe into England or not to
bringe in their Tobacco accordinge as they shall finde itt most advan
tagious and benefic̃all vnto the Plantac̃on; By wch liberty they hope
to effect those great matters of honor and profitt to his Maty: and this
kingdome wch they have p̳mised from Virginia. [270]

Butt if this seeme not convenyentt to yor llps: for his Mats: proffitt
(wch they most sincerely affect) rather then be a hinderance of the
improvement therof, although to their owne very great preiudice, they
will for this yeare restraine themselvs and forbear to bringe in any
Tobacco att all from Virginia this yeare ensuinge.[1025]

Mr Deputy acquainted the Courte that one mr Copeland a Mynister
lately returned from the East Indies out of an earnest desire to give
some furtherance vnto the Plantac̃on in Virginia had been pleased as
well by his owne good example as by p̱swasion to stirr vpp many that
came with him in the Ship called the Royall Iames to contribute
towardes some good worke to be begunn in Virginia: insomuch that
hee hadd p̳cured allredy a matter of some 70ll to be imployed that
waie and had allso write frome Cape Bona Speranza to diuers ffactors
in the East Indies to moue them to some charitable contribuc̃on there
vnto, So as hee hoped they should see verie shortlie his letters would
produce some good effect amongst them especially if hee might vnder-
stand in what manner they intended to imploy the same. Itt was
therfore ordered that a Comittee should be appoynted to treat wth mr
Copeland about itt, And for soe much as hee had so well deserved of
the Company by his extraordinary care and paynes in this buisiness
itt was thought fitt and ordered that hee should be admitted a free
Brother of this Company and att the next Quarter Courte itt should
be moved that some proporc̃on of Land might be bestowed vppon
him in gratiflcac̃on of his worthie endeavors to advance this intended
worke, and further itt was thought fitt allso to addmitt him of ∥to∥


the number of some other speciall Benefactors vnto the Plantac̃on
whose memoriall is p̢served:[1026] The Comittee appoynted to treat with
him are these
mr Deputy.  mr Abra: Chamberlyne. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Robertℯ. 
mr Nicho: Ferrar.  mr Ayres. 
mr Bamforde. 
70ll procured by
mr Copeland Cr.
mr Copeland ad-
mitted to be free.

Informac̃on was given that wheras divers noblemen and Gentlemen
were still indebted to the Company vppon their subscripc̃ons and in
like manner certaine Bishops for monny remayninge in their hands
vppon Collecc̃ons an offer was nowe made by one mr Waterhouse a
verie sufficient vnderstandinge gentleman for solicitinge the said
p̱sonns for payment in of their said monneys if the Company shall
please to imploy him in the said buisines and authorise him for the
doinge therof. Itt was herevppon agreed that hee should be enter
taynd for this imployment provided his demaunds were reasonable and
that hee could give the Company good securitie for answeringe the
monneys that hee receaved from time to time to be paid into the Com
panys Treasury, Touchinge wch the Courte nõiated these Com̃ittees to
treat wth him about the same vizd.

mr Waterhouse en-
tertayned for Col-
lectinge in of sub-

Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Abraham Chamberlyn. 
mr Deputye.  mr Rogers. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Edwardℯ. 
mr Tomlyns.  mr Robertℯ or any 4. [271
mr Ayres. 
a Comittee to treat
wth him

Mr Ayres informed the Court that ther were some men that would
willinglie proceed in their Adventure butt haveinge paid in their
monneys as maie appeare by their bills yett they found their names
lefte out in the printed booke and therfore desyred they might be
righted in those defectℯ: The Courte therfore referred this to the
examinac̃on of the Auditors vppon whose report they have p̳mised that
right shalbe done vnto them to their full sattisfacc̃on.

some lefte out in ye
printed Book de-
sired to be righted


Mr Deputy signified that itt had pleased God to raise vp means beyonnd
their expectac̃on to advance the Plantac̃on in Virginia in that hee had
kindled ∥in∥ the mynds of many worthy men a desire still to proceed
to the transportinge of great multitudes of people thither to wch end
and for their better encourragment hee was to move the Courte that
they might ∥haue∥ Patentℯ graunted vnto them in the vsuall forme.

A moc̃on for Pat-
entℯ to be graunted
to diuers worthy
men Cr.

The first Patent was for a gentleman that had deserved singularly
well of the Company before hee was a member therof, And since his
admittance hee had been att a verie great charge for transportinge of
people to Virginia namely mr Bennett who now ioynes himselfe in
this buisines wth mr Wiseman, and mr Ayres, and divers other their

A Patent for mr

A Second Patent hee moved for mr Swayne, mr Barre, mr Conder, and
their Associates who vndertakes to transporte 100 p̱sons to Virginia.

A Patent for mr

A Third Patent was for certaine old and new Adventurers the new
beinge to the number of thirteen whose names are these that follow

Rowland Trueloue.  Frauncis Waterhouse.  Io: Elkington. 
Tobias Cooper.  Iames Berkett.  Ri: Perry. 
Tho: Waterhouse.  Iohn Lake.  Tho: Ouer. 
Iohn Cocks.  Wm White.  Tobias Iohnson. 
Law: Leigh. 
who have bought each of them a single Share of Land of ffrauncis
Carter beinge p̱cell of 40 Shares formerly assigned vnto him by the
Right Honoble͠ the Lady Lawarr, All wch the Court did well approve
of and ordered that Pattentℯ should be drawne vpp ready for the
Seale against the next Quarter Courte.
A Patent for mr

mr Deputy moved the Courte to give order for drawinge vpp Comis-
sionns for the Bona Noua, the Discouery, ye Elizabeth and the God-
helpe, beinge shortly to goe for Virgina and after that some of them
are to p̳ceed on a Fishinge Voyadge.[1036] [272]

Comissions Cr.


Itt was allso moved that such as had either people or goods to send to
Virginia would forthwith give notice to mr Webb of their names that
Shippinge might be provyded for them now that ther be so many
good Ships offered to goe vppon the Companies service.

Those yt haue peo
ple to send to giue
notice to mr Webb.

mr Essington was entreated to p̱fect the Magazine Accompts to the
end that such monneys as shalbe due before Christmas might be
divided amongst the Adventurers wthout longer delay: which was
hoped would prove halfe a Capitall.

mr Essington to
perfect yt Maga-
zine Acco:

Notice was allso given that ther were certaine sufficient men come out
of Ireland ∥who∥ would would vndertake to transporte manny hun-
dreds of Cattle to Virginia this Springe vppon the same condic̃ons
that mr Gookin had donne; Itt was therfore moved that Southamp-
ton Hundred, Martins Hundred Berkleys Hundred, and all other
pryvate Plantac̃ons that desyred to have Cattle would be pleased out
of hand to give speedy notice what numbers of Cattle they would
have wch beinge certainely knowne they might p̱ceed to a further
treaty wth the said p̱sonns.

sufficient men com
out of Ireland to
transporte Cattle

Mr Chamberlyne recom̃ended vnto the Company one mr Staples a
preacher who haveinge a brother in Virginia that had given him
good encourragment to come thither was desirous to goe ouer;
Whervppon some of Martins Hundred seemed to be willinge to enter-
taine him for their hundred.

mr Staples Com-
ended bymr Cham-

mr Iohn Smith moved that wheras mr William Tracye afore his goinge
ouer to Virginia was arrested for 200li principall debt for wch hee putt
in bayle wch suite hath since proceeded and bine p̳secuted soe as the
said cause was ready for iudgment wherof stay was made vntill some
wittnesses might be brought in to certifie of the said mr Tracyes death
In respect wherof and for that hee hath receaved informac̃on by ɫres
that the said William Tracye dyed in Aprill laste hee desires notice
of such as came lately from Virginia that may be ready vppon occa-
sion to wittness the death of the said gentleman touchinge wch the
Company promised to procure him as many as they could herof.

mr Iohn Smiths
desire ye such as
came lately from
Virginia may ius-
tifle ye death of mr


Vppon the humble Petic̃on of Robert Gaile shewinge yt wheras some
13 years past hee furnished out one Iohn Burroes to Virginia wth
monny, Armor, Apparrell, beddinge, Copp̱, Victuall and other neces-
saries; And since that time allso hath sent him fewe supplys of what
soever the said Burros write to him for. [273]

Direction to be
giuen to ye Gou-
ernor to cause Iohn
Burros to make
sattisfacc̃on to
Robert Gaile.

In considerac̃on wherof the Petic̃oner was to have the moytie of all
profitts made and raysed in Virginia by the Industry of the said Iohn
Burros as by his bond now presented to be read might appeare, Itt
is therfore accordinge to the peticoners requeste ordered that dyrecc̃on
should be given to the Gouernor & Counsell of State in Virginia to
call the said Burros before them and to examine him touchinge the
p̢mises; And if the information shall appeare to be true, then to
compell him the said Burros to make the peticoner due sattisfacc̃on
accordinge to equitie and good confydence.


An order in council on this matter was passed on the day of this court. List of Records, No. 272,
page 150, ante.


For a declaration of the disposition of this money, see List of Records, No. 289, page 152, ante.


For some of these commissions see List of Records, Nos. 225, 277, 278, pages 145 and 151, ante.