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Page 154


Edwin Anderson Alderman, Ph.B., D.C.L., LL.D.


John Levi Manahan, M.A., Ph.D.


CHARLES GILMORE MAPHIS  Professor of Education 
JOHN LEVI MANAHAN, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Educational Administration 
WILLIAM ROYALL SMITHEY, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Secondary Education 
GEORGE OSCAR FERGUSON, JR., M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Educational Psychology 


The Curry Memorial School of Education was founded in 1905 as one
of the academic schools of the University. It was endowed by gifts of
$100,000 from John D. Rockefeller and $50,000 from the General Education
Board, and was named in honor of Dr. J. L. M. Curry, the Southern
educator. There were originally two professorships in the School, the
Curry Memorial Professorship of Education and the Professorship of Secondary
Education. In 1914 a chair of Educational Psychology and Principles
of Teaching was added to the School, and two years later a Professorship
of School Administration was established.

In 1919 the School was organized into a Department of the University,
with four professorships, and was placed upon a professional basis
similar to that of the Departments of Law, Medicine and Engineering.
The relation of the Department of Education to the various academic
schools of the University remains close, however, since the academic
training of students of Education is obtained in the academic schools,
and courses in Education are credited toward the academic degrees.


The rapid development of educational science and practice has made
it necessary that ample provision be made for the professional training
of those who expect to teach or to administer school affairs. It is the
main purpose of the Department of Education to provide opportunity for
such professional training. Since education is of great importance as an
agency of Democracy and as an aspect of civilization, the Department also
aims to provide courses of cultural value for citizens generally. In addition


Page 155
to affording opportunities for study and training, the Department,
as a part of the State University, offers its services to school authorities
throughout Virginia, with a desire to coöperate in the solution of practical
educational problems and in the furtherance of public education.


Peabody Hall, the Education Building, was named in honor of George
Peabody, who in 1867 made his great gift to the cause of education in
the South. The building was made possible through a gift of $40,000 from
the trustees of the Peabody Education Fund. This amount was supplemented
by an appropriation of $12,000 from the Rector and Visitors of the
University. The building was completed in 1912, and is the home of the
Curry Memorial Department of Education.

The plans were drawn by a modern school architect, and approved by
the leading authorities on school architecture in this country who were
consulted before its erection. It is, therefore, a model of excellence in
this regard. It is one of the best equipped buildings in the University,
and has ample classroom and laboratory facilities, and an excellent auditorium
equipped with a modern motion picture machine. Modern requirements
in heating, lighting and ventilation are exemplified in its construction
without sacrificing conformity to the general style of classic
architecture prevailing in the University.


The Department of Education maintains its own library in Peabody
Hall, named in honor of the first professor of Education in the University,
the late Professor William Harry Heck. The library consists of numerous
select books covering every field of Education, a complete file of the
publications of the United States Bureau of Education, various national,
state and foreign documents, State School Laws, State Superintendents'
Reports, City Superintendents' Reports, etc. Files of the leading educational
magazines are available for free use of the students. Extensive
exhibits of school textbooks are at hand for comparative studies.


Ample laboratory facilities are made available through the coöperation
of the public schools of the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle.

Arrangements have been made whereby students in Education will do
observation work and directed teaching in the city schools under close
supervision by the City Superintendent of Schools and the Education

This arrangement gives the Department adequate facilities for effective
practical work by every candidate for a degree in Education. The
city school system consists of three schools, two elementary schools, one
for whites and one for colored, and one high school. The new McGuffey
Elementary School is a model of modern school architecture. The Midway


Page 156
High School has an enrollment of 400, a teaching staff of 20, and has
81 classes meeting daily.

Besides work in observation and directed teaching, the city schools
are also available for studies in school administration, secondary education
and educational psychology. Certain well-qualified students will be assigned
special problems to study under the direction of the Superintendent
of Schools and the Education Faculty.

Arrangements have been made whereby the schools of Albemarle
County become a part of the laboratory system of the Department of Education.
Students in School Administration and Secondary Education
will be required to study the organization and supervision of the county
system of schools. Advanced students may be assigned to make special
studies under the supervision of the Division Superintendent of Schools
and the Education Faculty.


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Education.—To
be admitted to regular standing as candidates for the Bachelor of Science
in Education, students must have satisfied the entrance requirements of
the College. Students who have decided to enter the teaching profession
at the time of entering college should register with the Dean of the Department
of Education in order to be advised by members of the faculty
in planning their curricula. Holders of State Teachers' Scholarships are
required to register with the Department of Education.

Three courses in Education (Education B1, Education B2 and Education
B3) are especially suited to the needs of first-year students. These
courses count as group electives in Group VI toward any degree offered
in the College.

Requirements for the Admission of Women.—To be admitted to the
Department of Education, women must be twenty years of age, must
meet the entrance requirements of the University and must have completed
two years of college work aggregating thirty session-hours in
academic subjects. Candidates not able to meet these requirements may
make up their deficiencies during the summer quarter.

Special Students.—Graduates of colleges and universities other than
the University of Virginia, desiring to secure the necessary professional
training to qualify for the Collegiate Professional Certificate, may register
in the Department of Education and upon completion of the required
courses receive a certificate which will entitle them to the Collegiate
Professional Certificate issued by the State Board of Education.

Graduate Students.—Students meeting the entrance requirements of
the Graduate Department of the University of Virginia may take the advanced
courses in Education by meeting the prerequisite requirements in
the individual courses.


Each student registering in the Department of Education will be assigned
an adviser by the Dean of the Department. Students should


Page 157
feel free to consult their advisers regarding their courses and any other
problems arising in their university life.


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Education must
complete 63 session-hours, divided among Group Electives, Education,
and Electives-at-large.

A. Group Electives: 33 session-hours, distributed as follows:

  • Group I: (Foreign Languages.) 6 session-hours, in two subjects.

  • Group II: (Mathematical Sciences.) 3 session-hours in Mathematics

  • Group III: (Natural Sciences.) 6 session-hours.

  • Group IV: (Social Sciences.) 6 session-hours.

  • Group V: (English.) 9 session-hours, of which 3 must be English

  • Group VI: (Philosophical Sciences.) 3 session-hours in Philosophy
    B3 or Education B1.

B. Education:

15 session-hours in Education, which must include Education B2,
B5, B7, B10 and B11. Candidates having had successful experience
in teaching may be permitted to substitute other work
for Education B11. It should be noted that Education B10 and
B11 give one session-hour and two session-hours credit, respectively,
thus leaving one course in Education to be elected.
Students taking Education B1 to fill the requirement in Group
VI will elect some course other than Education.

C. Electives-at-Large: Exclusive of Education:

15 session-hours, of which 3 should be in Physical Training B1.
Not less than 9 session-hours must be in some group to be
known as the candidate's major group, including one C course.


A detailed statement of the courses in Education is given on page 120.

For Undergraduates.

Education B1: History of Education.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Professor Ferguson.

Education B2: Educational Psychology.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Professor Ferguson.

Education B3: Educational Sociology.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Professor Smithey.

Education B5: Educational Administration and Supervision.—(B.A. or
B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Manahan.

Education B7: Principles of Secondary Education.—(B.A. or B.S. credit
three session-hours of electives-at-large.) Professor Smithey.


Page 158

Education B8: Hygiene and Education.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
of electives-at-large.) Professor Smithey.

Education B9: Elementary School Administration and Supervision.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.) Professor

Education B10: Methods of Teaching High School Subjects.—(Credit,
1 session-hour toward professional degree.)

Education B11: Directed Teaching.—(Credit, 2 session-hours toward
professional degree.)

For Undergraduates and Graduates.

Education C1: Advanced Educational Psychology.—Professor Ferguson.

Education C2: Educational Surveys: State, City and County.—Professor

Education C3: Standard Tests in School Subjects.—Professor Manahan.

Education C4: Problems in Secondary Education.—Professor Smithey.

Education C5: Sociology and Education.—Professor Smithey.

Education C6: Mental Tests and their Applications.—Professor Ferguson.

For Graduates.

Education D1: Seminar in Educational Psychology.—Professor

Education D2: Seminar in School Administration.—Professor Manahan.

Education D3: Seminar in Secondary Education.—Professor Smithey.


Page 159


Mathematics and Science.

First Year  Second Year  Third Year  Fourth Year 
English A1—(3)[1]   Eng. Lit. B2, or
Eng. B2—(3) 
Science (6), or
Math. (3) and
Hist. B2 (3)—
Social Science (3)
and Math. (3), or
Science (6)—(6) 
Mathematics A1—
Chemistry B1, or
Physics B1—(6) 
Educ. B11—(2) 
Eng. B2, or Eng.
Lit. B2—(3) 
Educ. B5—(3) 
Biology B1—(6)  Math. B1, or Foreign
Educ. B2—(3)  one elective.—(3) 
Foreign Lang.—
Phil. B3, or Educ.
Educ. B7—(3)  (14 hrs.) 
Physical Tr. B1—
Phys. Tr. B1—(1½)  Educ. B10—(1) 
Total 16½ hrs.  (16½ hrs.)  (16 hrs.) 

English and History.

First Year  Second Year  Third Year  Fourth Year 
Foreign Lang.—(3)[2]   Eng. Lit. B2—(3)  English B2—(3)  Hist. C1, or Eng.
Math. A1—(3)  Hist. B1—(3)  Hist. B2, or Gov.
Educ. B11—(2) 
Biology B1—(6)  Foreign Lang.—(6)  Educ. B2—(3)  Educ. B5—(3) 
Eng. A1—(3)  Phil. B3, or Educ.
Educ. B7—(3)  3 to 6 hrs. electives. 
Phys. Tr. B1—(1½)  Phys. Tr. B1—(1½)  Educ. B10—(1)  (11 to 14 hrs.) 
Total 16½ hrs.  (16½ hrs.)  3 to 6 hrs. electives. 
(16 to 19 hrs.) 

Foreign Languages.

First Year  Second Year  Third Year  Fourth Year 
Foreign Language
Foreign Lang.—(6)  Foreign Lang.—(3)  Foreign Lang. (3) 
Math. A1—(3)  (continue language
begun in first yr.
and begin another.) 
Science (6), or
Math. B2 (3)
and English B2
Science (6), or
Math. B2 (3)
and Eng. B2
Eng. A1—(3) 
Biology B1—(6)  Eng. Lit. B2, or
Eng. B2—(3) 
Educ. B2—(3)  Educ. B11—(2) 
Phys. Tr. B1—(1½)  Phil. B3, or Educ.
Educ. B7—(3)  Educ. B5—(3) 
Total 16½ hrs.  Educ. B10—(1)  (14 hrs.) 
Hist. B2, or Gov.
(16 hrs.) 
Phys. Tr. B1—(1½) 
(16½ hrs.) 

Credit in session-hours.


Credit in session-hours.


Credit in session-hours.


Page 160


Four courses in Education (Education B1, B2, B3, and B5) are
included in Group VI of the Group Electives. Candidates for the B.A.
and cultural B.S. degrees may fulfill the requirements of Group VI by selecting
two of these courses. The other courses in Education count as
Electives-at-large toward the above degrees.


Recipients of the Bachelor of Science in Education will receive the
Collegiate Professional Certificate, the highest form of certificate for high-school
teachers issued by the State Board of Education. This certificate
is valid for ten years, renewable for a similar period, and entitles the
holder to teach in both high and elementary schools in Virginia.

Holders of Collegiate Certificates, the certificate of second rank issued
by the State Board of Education, may obtain the Collegiate Professional
Certificate by attending the University one session and taking
four three-session-hour courses in Education.

Curricula organized to meet the requirements for the Bachelor of
Science in Education will fulfill the professional requirements for the
highest form of professional and collegiate high school certificates issued
by the state departments of education in the other southern states.


Students who find it necessary to leave college to teach before completing
their full course may be issued special certificates by the State
Board of Education to teach any high-school subjects in which they have
completed two full years of study of college grade. These students should
plan to take two courses in Education during their second year in order
to become familiar with school problems.


Saturday courses in any subject offered in the Department of Education
will be arranged at the University for teachers in service, if requested
by at least five teachers. Degree credit will be allowed on the same basis
as in the regular courses, provided that not more than one and one-half
session-hours' credit shall be given for the work in any course for one


The Department will encourage the organization of extension courses
in convenient centers, for teachers in service. Members of the Education
Faculty will personally instruct any such classes organized. Arrangements
can be made to offer courses in Educational Psychology and Mental


Page 161
Tests, Secondary Education and Educational Tests and Measurements.
The professors in charge will meet the classes regularly, probably once
each week. Credit toward meeting the professional requirements for certificates
will be allowed by the State Board of Education.


Educational Tests.—The Department of Education maintains a Bureau
of Tests and Measurements as a feature of its extra-University
service. Select standard tests in school subjects will be supplied to cities,
counties and individual schools at cost. Members of the Faculty of Education
will visit the schools to be tested, train teachers in the use of the
tests and personally direct the giving and scoring of them, provided the
necessary traveling expenses are borne by the schools served.

Mental Tests.—In connection with its work in educational psychology,
the Department undertakes to assist school authorities in the diagnosis
and training of backward and gifted children. Assistance will be
rendered in the making of mental surveys and the establishment of special
classes. A clinic will be maintained for the study of cases accessible
to the University and the services of the professor in charge will be available
to any community in Virginia at the cost of the necessary test materials
and traveling expenses.

Any school official desiring the services of the Bureau of Tests and
Measurements should address the Dean of the Department.


The University of Virginia maintains a Bureau of Appointments in
charge of a committee consisting of Professors J. L. Manahan, W. R.
Smithey, J. C. Metcalf and I. F. Lewis. The services of the bureau are
free to all teachers and prospective teachers seeking positions in secondary
schools (both public and private), normal schools, and colleges. Correspondence
with regard to appointment should be addressed to the Bureau
of Appointments (J. L. Manahan, Director), University, Virginia.


An Education Club is conducted for the purpose of fostering a scientific
study of educational problems. Membership is open to all students
taking courses in Education, teachers, principals and superintendents
now in service, and members of the faculty of the University who are willing
to lend their influence and efforts toward placing the teaching profession
in Virginia and the South on a professional basis.


In order to encourage the training of teachers, the General Assembly
of Virginia, in 1918, founded one hundred and nineteen Virginia State


Page 162
Teachers' Scholarships, one for each School Division in the State. The
emolument is free lodging, heat, light and janitor service in the university
dormitories. The holder of one of these scholarships must be a Virginian
needing financial assistance in order to attend the University, and
he must pledge himself to engage in some form of school work in the
State for at least two years, or, failing this, to repay to the University the
value of the scholarship. Appointments are made prior to September 1,
upon the recommendation of Division Superintendents of Schools. If
any Superintendent fails to make a recommendation, the vacancy thus
created may be filled from the State at large by the President of the University.
Blank forms of application will be sent upon request.

In addition to the Virginia State Teachers' Scholarships, there are a
number of other scholarships in the University available for students of
Education. A detailed description of them is given elsewhere in this Catalogue.