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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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The [flesh] of the strange animals of the Nan-miao is like
[that of] dogs or sheep,[1] but give it to a man and it is like a fatal
drug. It is thus because[2] custom changes the disposition, and
habit alters the nature. Now a madman gnaws at himself, oblivious
that his is not the flesh of an animal raised for food. He eats
dirt, unaware that it is not millet or rice. None the less, a madman
of Ch`u speaks the Ch`u language, while a madman from Ch`i
speaks the Ch`i language. It is thus from habit. Now the effect
of habit on a man is such that, even if slight, it appears, while if
it be carried on farther, it is fixed in him. It spreads through his
very bones and sinews; it is more adhesive than glue or lacquer.


This is why the superior man pays careful attention to what he
studies. The Ode says,[3]

I have seen the superior man—
His virtuous fame is glued to him.[4]

[OMITTED]. The passage has perhaps been contaminated from Analects 255 (12/8.3): [OMITTED]
[OMITTED]. "Hide from which the hair has been removed" makes no sense
here. From the context it seems likely that the flesh of some animal is referred to
that is eaten with impunity by the natives who are used to it, but to an outsider is
fatal. My translation is only a conjecture.


For [OMITTED] read [OMITTED] with CHy, B, C.


Shih 415 No. 228/3.


I have taken [OMITTED] as in the text above. Variant translations occur in Legge and Karlgren, Book of Odes 16.255.