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§ 26-1. Restrictions as to speed.

§ 26-2. Placing obstructions on tracks.

§ 26-3. Sounding locomotive whistles in city.

§ 26-4. Ringing locomotive bell.

§ 26-5. Driving in front of locomotives; getting on or off train in motion.

§ 26-6. Loitering or trespassing upon tracks or platform.

§ 26-7. Obstructing passage on streets; standing vehicle on track.

Sec. 26-1. Restrictions as to speed.

No locomotive engine, car or train of cars or other vehicle
on any railroad track within the city limits shall be moved or
propelled along or over any such railroad track at a greater
rate of speed than fifteen miles per hour in a business district
or twenty-five miles per hour in a residence district. The
definitions of "business district" and "residence district" appearing
in section 18-1 shall apply. (Code 1959, § 26-1.)

Sec. 26-2. Placing obstructions on tracks.

No person shall wilfully place a stone or other obstruction
upon the tracks of any railway company with intent to obstruct,
impede or otherwise interfere with the operation of
such railroad. (Code 1959, § 26-2.)

Sec. 26-3. Sounding locomotive whistles in city.

No locomotive engine whistle shall be sounded in the city
limits except to warn persons or animals off the roadbed.
(Code 1959, § 26-3.)

Sec. 26-4. Ringing locomotive bell.

No locomotive engine bell may be rung within the city,

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Sec. 20-12. Drainage; resistance to erosion.

All off-street parking facilities required under this chapter
shall be so drained as to prevent damage to abutting properties
or public streets and shall be constructed of material
which will assure a surface resistant to erosion. (Code 1959,
§ 20-12.)

Sec. 20-13. Aisles; entrance and exit driveways.

Aisles, entrance and exit driveways shall be built to the following
minimum specifications:

(1) Aisles with two-way traffic movement shall be not less
than twenty-two feet in width.

(2) Aisles with one-way traffic movement shall be as specified

(a) Aisles serving ninety degree parking shall be not less
than twenty-two feet in width.

(b) Aisles serving sixty degree parking shall be not less
than twenty feet in width.

(c) Aisles serving forty-five degree parking shall be not
less than fifteen feet in width.

(d) Aisles serving thirty degree parking shall be not less
than twelve feet in width.

(e) Where such aisles serve parallel parking which are
located immediately adjacent to buildings they shall be not less
than sixteen feet in width. All other aisles serving parallel
parking shall be twelve feet in width or as much additional
width as may be required for access of emergency vehicles or
curvilinear streets.

(3) The location and design of entrance and exit driveways
for all lots, except those serving one-family and two-family
residences, shall be approved by the city manager to insure a
safe and convenient means of ingress and egress. (Code 1959,
§ 20-13; 3-6-67; 8-4-69.)

Sec. 20-14. Access to street or alley; dimensions of spaces;

In providing off-street automobile or vehicular parking
spaces as required by this chapter, such spaces shall have adequate
access to a street or alley and such access and spaces
shall not thereafter be reduced or encroached upon.

Except in the case of parking provided for one-family or


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two-family dwellings, each required parking space shall be
not less than twenty feet in length and nine feet in width,
exclusive of driveways and aisles. Such parking spaces shall
not be located within the required front and side yard setbacks.
No vehicle shall be parked within six feet of any entrance
or exit way. (Code 1959, § 20-14; 3-6-67.)

Sec. 20-15. Lighting.

Adequate lighting shall be provided for off-street parking
facilities used at night; provided, that lighting for one-family
and two-family dwellings shall not be required. Lighting installations
shall be arranged so as to concentrate the illumination
upon the parking area and prevent glare from falling
onto the adjoining property. (Code 1959, § 20-15.)


As to unloading tank cars of flammable liquids, see § 11-16 of this