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Mundi et Cordis

De Rebus Sempiternis et Temporariis: Carmina. Poems and Sonnets. By Thomas Wade

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Beldam! Why hither must thy slow feet stray,
To gather dry sticks for thy desolate hearth,
Whose fire thou feedest with that scanty fuel,
To keep thine old blood warm whilst winds are cruel?
Amid the myriad pathways of the earth,
Was there no other for thy groping way
Than this, thou crooked and time-eaten hag!
Wherein thy witch-like presence hath enchanted
Hearts from the brink of bliss on which they panted?
Were diamonds hung upon thine every rag,
And thy crook'd crutch a wand of Fairyland,
To work all alchemy at thy command,
Love's church should ne'er absolve thee, hoary Crone!
Of the foul sacrilege thine eyes have done.