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What is London's last new lion? Pray inform me if you can;
Is't a woman of Kamschatka or an Otaheite man?
For my conversazione, you must send me something new,
Don't forget me! Oh I sigh for the éclat of a début!


I am sick of all the “minstrels,” all the “brothers” this and that;
Who sing sweetly at the parties, while the ladies laugh and chat;
And the man who play'd upon his chin is passé I suppose,
So try and find a gentleman who plays upon his nose.



Send half a dozen authors, for they help to fill a rout,
I fear I've worn the literary lionesses out!
Send something biographical, I think that fashion spreads,
But do not send a poet, till you find one with two heads.


The town has grown fastidious; we do not care a straw
For the whiskers of a bandit, or the tail of a bashaw!
And travellers are out of date, I mean to cut them soon,
Unless you send me some one who has travell'd to the moon.


Oh! if you send a singer, he must sing without a throat!
Oh! if you send a player, he must harp upon one note!
I must have something marvellous, the marvel makes the man;
What is London's last new lion? pray inform me if you can.