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Poems of James Clarence Mangan

(Many hitherto uncollected): Centenary edition: Edited, with preface and notes by D. J. O'Donoghue: Introduction by John Mitchel

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(From the Ottoman.)

Tyrant! With sweat of man, with widows' tears,
With orphans' blood
Thou moistenest the accursed clay
Of the proud palace walls thine avarice rears.
And callest thou thine evil good!
Yet what avail thy triumphs? Look at the decay
Of the serais of Afrazeeb! Long years
Hath darkness wrapped these in a ten-fold hood;
And owls hoot in their chambers night and day!
Only those Gates which no soul nears
Except by Penance' road and over Sorrow's flood,
Those Gates through which thou canst not find thy way
Those only, and the burning marble piers
Of Iblis' halls—as they have stood
From immemorial time—shall stand for aye!