University of Virginia Library

All came to th' Grange; that Notes deliver'd strait,
By Shepherd brought; Thersander's Order late:
When read the same, his eyes did Wrath disclose,
Joyn'd angry Words; bad Fume from Spleen arose;
Then, chang'd that way, he thoughtful, sad appear'd;
First, absent Son belov'd, whose Danger fear'd:
Next, Marriage-aim destroy'd, where Choice design'd
One of those Girls. Thersander, they combin'd.
To calm his thoughts, each part well varnish'd o're;
For Travel, said, 'Twas done same way before
By's Grandfather (which thing the Prince confest)
Short time, no dangerous place, that note exprest.
Orsamnes too, the Prince conjoyned there
Much Gold receiv'd his Travell's charge to bear.
Thersander's mind shewn plainly thus to th' view,
Dorsin, Vernon took their Farwells, withdrew.