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Fifth Day.

The Waters now are truly living made,
But how is this? Th' Almighty Word has said;
He said, Now let the Waters living be.
Th' admiring Angels then did Wonders see.
For streight the mighty Product of the Deep,
As if awaken'd from their watry Sleep,
Did now in numerous Shoals themselves display,
And made appear a Fifth more glorious Day,
Fairer than any that had gone before.
Oh! who can God sufficiently adore,
Who this Day gen'rated so rich a Store?
A Day most fair! when his Almighty Skill
Did all the Seas, and Lakes, and Rivers fill.
Armies of Birds out of the Waters rise,
And soaring mount towards the smiling Skies.


Here skipping Fishes cut the lambent Air,
There living Castles mighty things declare;
And swiftly rolling through the spacious Main,
This Day proclaim, with all their finny Train.
O let not Man forget with these to raise
Both Heart and Voice to his great Maker's Praise.