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Seuen bookes of Epigrames written by T. B. [i.e. Thomas Bastard]

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Epigr. 6. De sua Clepsydræ.

Setting mine howre glasse for a witnesse by
To measure studie as the time did fly:
A lingring muse posseste my thinking brayne:
My minde was reaching, but in such a veyne,
As if my thoughtes by thinking brought a sleepe,
Winglesse & footelesse, now like snailes did creepe,
I eyde my glasse, but he so fast did ronne.
That ere I had begonne, the howre was donne.
The creeping sandes with speedy pace were flitt,
Before one reason crept out of my witt.
When I stoode still I sawe how time did fly.
When my wits ranne, time ranne, more fast then I,
Stay heere, ile change the course, let study passe
And let time study while I am the glasse.
What touch ye sands? are little mites so fleete?
Can bodies ronne so swift which haue no feete?


And can ye tomble time so fast away?
Then farewell howers, I'le study by the day.