University of Virginia Library

The Heralds.

I saw the seraph seven who stand
Before the awful throne of light,
Each one arrayed in blinding white,
Each one a trumpet in the hand.
An eighth beside the altar came
And waved a golden censer high,
Whose incense sweetened all the sky,
As though the sun were fragrant flame.
Therewith he offered up the prayers
Of that innumerable throng
Who fought against the sires of wrong
And quelled the princes of the airs.


Next, taking from the altar hearth
A censer full of ruddy fire,
He lifted it in holy ire
And cast it o'er the trembling earth.
Then lightnings every whither went,
Incessant thunderings were hurled,
And earthquakes tottered round the world,
While answered voices of lament.
Thereon the herald seven arose
And blew their trumpets one by one,
Fulfilling earth and moon and sun
With desolations, dooms and woes;
Till presently, on sea and shore,
Another angel stood alone,
Who pointed to the judgment throne
And swore that time should be no more.