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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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8th Octr. 1805 Tuesday.

a cloudy morning changed canoes and buried 2 Lead
canisters of Powder 2 foot 4 In. North of a dead toped pine
opposit our camp & opposit the mouth of a run after repareing
leaks in the canoes sprung comeing over the rapids yesterday
set out at 9 oClock

N. W.  mile to a riffle in the S. bend 
South  ¼  thro a verry bad rappid all way 
S. 70°. W.  ½  to a L. bend good water 
N.W.  ¼  thro a rapid in a Stard bend 
West  2 ½  miles to a Stard bend passed a bad rapid at 1 mile pd. a
rapd. at 2 miles 
South  1 ½  to a L. bend opsd. a bottom of stone 
S. 70°. W.  2 ½  mile to a Stard. bend passed an Island on the Lard Side,
a rapid at head & foot of Island end of the course 


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S.W.  miles to a Lard bend passed a rapid & Ind camp (3
Lodges) & fishing place, Lowr pt. of Isd. at which
place we dined & bought fish Passed Lower pt.
Isd. on Stard Side 
West  2 ½  miles passed an Island on which 3 Lodges of Indians
were encamped opsd. on the Lad Side a small creek
at the Lower pt. on Std Side 6 Lodges of Inds. we
halted and took in our 2 chiefs and bought fish &
roots Psd. 2 rapids 
S W  1 ½  m. to a bend on Std. passed a rapid 
S. 40°. E.  to a bend on Lard. psd a rapid 
S. 60° W.  2 ½  miles to a bend Std Side passing an Isd on the Lard. &
bad rapid
S W  1 ½  miles to a Stard bend passed an Isd. on Ld. Side a rapid
at upper point and lower pt. canoe [c]racked, a
creek falls in on the Stard. Side[67]  
West  1 ½  to the upper pt, of a Island Std Side 


The explorers (in revision, Codex G) named this Colter Creek; It is now Potlatch
Creek, the principal tributary of the lower Clearwater.—Ed.