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CCCXCIII. John Penreis. Petition to Governor and Council in Virginia September 4, 8, 1623

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CCCXCIII. John Penreis. Petition to Governor and Council in
September 4, 8, 1623

Manuscript Records Virginia Company, III, pt. ii, p. 59a
Document in Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
List of Records No. 560
To the right Worll͠ Sr Francis Wyatt knight ec and ye rest of his Maties
Counsell in Virginia The Humble petition of Jon pewntis


14 That whereas it hath pleased ye Govenor & Counsell to take into Con-
sideration, by ther p̳clamation to interdict generally all men fro' trading
in the bay for Corne, Now for yt yor petioner hath had spetiall order fro'
his principalls of Southampton hundred to employ ther shipping as well
in trade in ye Bay as elswher for ther & ye publique good, for wch affairs
yor petition9 hath hired Ensigne Thomas Sauage to bee ther Interpreter.

Yor petitioner humbly prayeth, that no Act or Acts may bee made to
preiudice the said Company in ther Designes.

And further yt yor Worps would be pleased not to restraine yor petitioner
fro' discoueries, trading, or any voyages by water, wch may any wayes
concerne ye Due execution of his office of Vice admirall hee being ye Com-
panies puplique officer, & by them therto deputed, for ther vses & seruices,
seeing to ye sd office ye Due examination & Judgment of such Causes, wth
ye persons & Comissions p̳perly appertaineth, & therfore here in yor peti-
tioner clameth a p̢rogatiue before others.


Lastly for yt yor petioner hath ben informed, yt puplique peace made by
yor p̢decessors wth sundry nations, hath been broken by some of or people,
yt haue gone on trading, whoe vnder the p̢tence of frendship and in ye
Gouernors name, have taken men prisoners, yea sometymes there liues,
& goods for nothing, or at ther owne rates, contrarie to ye equity of God
& natures lawes, wherby ye name of God, or King & Cuntry are all dis-
honored, we being formerly for or Justice & uertuous Gouerment Called
Gods, but now through treacherous & inhumaine Cruelty esteemed worse
then Diuels for wch (I feare me) Gods punishment is & wilbe vppon vs

May yor Worps therfore be pleased in yr wisdomes so to p̳uide, yt all such
grosse abuses may be reformed, Seeing his Maties espectacion is yt by or
uertuous gou9ment ye heathens might bee brought to ye true knowledge of
god & his sonne Christ Jesus, wth his Dominions establishing & enlarged,
for neu9 could I yett heare of any kingdome or Com̃onwealth, tollerating
Robbery & extorcion to be permanent according to ye old parerble

Congeries Lapidum, varijs constructa rapinis,
Corruet, aut alter raptor habebit eam.

See the Acts 4°: Septemb9 1623 and 8° Sepr some examinations begun, but
by reason Capt Hamor fell sicke, & Capt Madison absent (at whom
Cheifly it was leueled) it p̳ceeded not to full tryall,

See also the Court held the first of Octobr 1622