CXXIV. Sir Edwin Sandys. A Letter to John Ferrar
July 19, 1620
Ferrar Papers
Document in Magdalene College, Cambridge. Autograph Letter, Signed
List of Records No. 191
Sr I send yu my letter to Mr Barbor unsealed, that yu may first peruse it,
& then hast it away wth all speed possible.
I have also given order to my Bailie Richard Waind, to return yu up two
hundred & fiftie pounds wth like expedition. So much is remaining of my
Rents this last spring: But of sending yu 200ll͠ he maketh no question: it
is to be paid yu by Mr Robert Kay of Colman street.
I knowe yor zeale to be so great & yor hart so strong, that I need not add
anie encouragement to yu: although I Confesse the discouragements of this
world, & unde minime decuit, are such and so manie; that they were
sufficient to make us give over, were not the cause principally his whose
pleasure is unresistable, & who at his good tyme will give Justice the
victorie. The comfort of mynd in them that are under, & the appalment
of very countenance in them wch trample upon us, is to me a sure argument
[of the] workinge of the Divine hand: & God beginneth no woorke, wch he
dooth not perfect.
Yesternight, though late, I got to Rochester: I could not this morning
but salute yu: praying God to preserve yu, & prosper yor so good endevors.
I have sent here a note of Remembrances to Francis Carter: wch I wish
were in his hands. If yu can fit me wth six or seven of yor people in Summer
Ilands, & put them in order under som good government, for my 5 nue
shares wch were past in yor name: yu shall doo me a pleasure, so it be noe
displeasure to yu.
But I must referre the whole ordering of it to yu, unto whom I wilbe only
beholden for it. My wife ioyneth wth me in very loving commendacions
to yu & good Mris Ferrar, & ∥to∥ yor brother Mr Nicolas. It would be a
great content to me, to see yu all at Northborn Vale.
Yors entirely
Rochester19. July: 1620
Edwin Sandys
[Indorsed by self:] Sr Edw: Sandys, Rochester to John Ferrar, S. Sithes
Lane 1620. July 19.
[Addressed by self:] To my very worthy Friend Mr John Ferrar at his
House in S. Sithes Lane near the Lower End of Cheapside wth Speed.