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At a Courte helde ye 22th October 1621.

At a Courte helde ye 22th October 1621.

Sr Phillip Cary.  mr Ayres.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Deputy.  mr Swinhoe.  mr George Smith. 
mr Gibbes.  mr Wyddowes.  mr Penistone. 
mr Nich: Ferrar.  mr Baynam.  mr Newporte. 
mr Shepparde.  mr Bland.  mr Cuffe. 
Captaine Bargraue.  mr Lawarance.  mr Wyndhame. 
mr Stewarde.  mr Bull.  mr Webb. 
mr Berblock.  mr Palmer.  Wth Divers others. 
mr Tomlynℯ.  mr Barkham. 
mr Whitley.  mr Casewell. 

Mr Deputy signified vnto this Court that hee had p̢sented the Com
panies aunswere vnto the Lords of his Mats pryvy Counsell wch beinge
read they were willinge to dep̱te and after beinge called in againe their
llps seemed not to be sattisfied therwth butt told them that they did
not intend they should give aunswere touchinge the bringinge in all
their Comodities butt onely that of Tobacco wherby the Kings last
§yearℯ§ revennue might be still vphelde.

mr Deputy signi-
fied yt ye ll͠s: seemed
not sattisfied wth
their Answere.

And therfore required them on Wednesday next to returne their
answere wheither they would bringe in all their Tobacco into England
or none att all, or otherwise to accomodate the buisiness wth mr Iacob
with whome on ffryday last some of the Company haveinge had con-
ference mr Iacob signified vnto them that hee had no proiect wherby
to accomodate the buisiness butt onely by way of advise and Counsell
p̱swaded them to bringe in all their Tobacco as moste for their good
mr Deputy therfore desyred that this Courte would take itt into their
Considerac̃ons what answer they would give to their llps: against
Wednesday next.

Their aunswere to
be returnd againe

Whervppon some reasons were p̳pounded and considered of wch beinge
well approved were appoynted to be drawne vp againste wednesday
followinge in the morninge, when itt was desyred the Courte would
meet againe to consider of them. [269]

some reasons pro-
pounded & ap-
poynted to be