University of Virginia Library


Oncoming eld the web of devious dreams unweaves,
Which youth about the cheeks and limbs of Life had cast,


And to the view unveils its structure, as, at last,
The greenwood's giant scheme in Winter one perceives,
Which he, at Summer's height, might not discern for leaves.
The Present blurs no more the Future and the Past;
Their outlines bare combine to build the vision vast
Of Truth that ne'er forsakes its lover nor deceives.
Then to our clearer sight the I and Thou are one;
Death is a form of Life, as Night a phase of Morn,
Sorrow of gladsomeness and shadow is of sun;
And in Thought's limbeck all seethes till at bottom we
Descry the ultimate sheer simpleness that's born
In the fierce furnace-heart of cold complexity.