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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CXIII. Ruth, Chap. I. Ver. 1. to 21.

Elimelech's History. Ruth and Naomi.

While various Judges Israel's Scepter sway'd,
Whose Sons were free by turns, by turns obey'd;
A good old Sire, Elimelech his Name,
To Moab from his native Bethl'hem came:
His Wife, and two fair Sons did with him bear,
By Famine forc'd to seek a shelter there:
Nor long he stays before to Fate he yields,
His Bones inhum'd in Moab's friendly Fields:


The careful Mother for the Sons provides,
A pair of beauteous Moabitish Brides:
Nor long, alas! possess'd they their desire,
Their Nuptial Torch might light their Fun'ral Fire,
In Prime of Youth they childless both expire:
What Grief their Parent, what their Brides possess'd,
The Story says not, but with ease 'tis guess'd:
Nor long the widow'd exil'd Mother mourn'd,
E're she to bless'd Judeas Fields return'd;
Part of the Journey both her Daughters went,
Orpah, at her desire, was soon content
To take her leave, and back her Footsteps bent:
The Younger, Ruth, (whose memorable Name,
In Judah's future Annals place shall claim,
While History remains, consign'd to Fame;)
Her Mother's pressing Instances deny'd,
Nor wou'd while Life remain'd, forsake her side,
Nor ev'n shou'd envious Death their Dust divide:
In Weal or Wo her Fortunes press'd to share,
One Law, one God for Naomi and her.
(A rare Example of a pious Mind!
Equal Success may all such Daughters find!)
Arriv'd at Bethlehem, all the City come
T'admire their Neighbor, and to welcom home:
They scarce can credit what themselves they see,
And ask, if this the alter'd Naomi?
O call me by that happy Name no more,
She said, which while my Fortunes smil'd, I bore!
Forgotten Joy long since is out of date,
And Bitter be my Name, as bitter is my Fate!