University of Virginia Library

The .cxxxij. Psalme.

O Lorde be myndfull of all thynges that haue vexed Dauid:
That to his good, all his trouble, maye be alwaye turned.
For he hath sworne vnto the Lorde, and vowed solemnely:
To the myghtie God of Iacob, and sayed for certentie.
Ille myght I spede, if I enter my tent or clyme my bedde:
Or if I shall graunte any slepe, to the eies of myne heade.
Or if I suffer myne eie leddes, to wyncke or do once nodde:
Tyll I fynde a place for the Lorde, and house for Iacobs God.
Him haue we hearde in Ephrata, there haue we heard his sounde:

And in the fieldes of wyldernes, present we haue him founde.
Go we therfor to his dwellynges, & throne where he doeth sitte:
And let vs fall downe and worshyp, the stole vnder his fete.
Arise (O Lorde) thou that shalt come, into thy quiete reste:
Arise thou, I saye, and let the arcke of thy powre be preste.
Let thy priestes put on rightuousenes, & let thy good mensynge:
And for thy seruant Dauids sake, saye not naye to thy kynge.
The Lorde sware trueth vnto Dauid, and wyll it not denie:
That he would set vpon his throne, some fruite of his bealy.
If thy sonnes shal kepe my comnaunt and lawes that I shall teache:
Theyr sonnes also shall weare the crowne, so longe as tyme doeth reache.
For the Lorde hath chosen Sion, to be his seate, sayeinge:
This is myne euerlastynge rest, here shall be my dwellynge.
For I haue chosen hir and wyll geue hir vitailes plentie:
And wyth breade wyll I fede hir pore, and them all satisfie.

Hir priestes I wyll indue wyth health they shall be in salftie:
And the good mē that dwel in hir, shal synge reioyceyngly.
In hir wyll I make Dauids horne, & his power for to springe:
And in hir I haue prepared, a candle for my kynge.
Whose enimies I wil endue, wyth rebuke and wyth shame.
But vpon him shall aye florish, his crowne & diadeame,