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Þen is þer a-noþur degre
Of Contemplaciun, I telle þe,
Þe wȝuche trewe and soþ is hit:
Þat is cald holy writ;
Þat wol teche þe wiþ-Inne,
To drawe þe from peril of synne,
Þe peyne forte douten ay,
To loue þe Ioye þat come may.
And euer loke, aboute þou be
To holde wiþ þe Charite,
Þis world also in alle wyse
Þou beo aboute to dispise;
Loke þou what is to done,
And also loke what is to schone.


Of þis two þinges seruen hit
Al þat is writen in holy writ:
Þis ben þo two, to trowe,
Þat þou schalt boþe leeue and knowe
Wȝuche ben þe seuen synnes dedly,
And þe seuen vertuwes þerby,
Þe ten Comaundemens al-wey,
And þe twelf Articles of þe fey,
And þe seuen ȝiftus of þe holigost,
And þe seuen sacremens most,
And þe seuen werkes of Merci,
And þe vertuwes of þe Ewangeli,
And þe Ioyes also of heuen
And þe peynes of helle to nemen.