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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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Haue you beheld in a faire summers euen,
The golden-headed Charioter of heauen,
With what a speed, his prouder reynes doe bend
His panting horses, to their iourneyes end?


How red he lookes; with what a swift careire
Her hurries to the lower Hemisphere;
And in a moment, shootes his golden head
Vpon the pillow of blushing Thetis bed.
Euen so the bridegroome (whose desire had wings
More swift then Time, switcht on wth pleasure) springs
Into his nuptiall bed; and looke how fast
The stooping Faulkon clips; and, with what hast,
Her tallons seize vpon the timorous prey,
Euen so, his armes (impatient of delay)
His circling armes embrac'd his blushing Bride,
While she (poore soule) lay trembling by his side.