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The Furies

With Vertues Encomium. Or, The Image of Honour. In two Bookes of Epigrammes, Satyricall and Encomiasticke. By R.N. [i.e. Richard Niccols]

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Epig, XXXI.

To all vertuous Ladies and Gentlewomen.
Earthes fairest figures of the Saints in Heauen,
T'whose angel-like rare beauties powre is giuen,
Their healthes to dying men for to restore,
And strike them dead, that had their healthes before:
Giue life vnto these lines, with gracious view,
Where though your Honours prayses want their due;
Yet Honours image your ensample be,
And euermore be honoured of me.
My Muse for vertue women shall adore:
A modest Epigram can say no more.