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An Ante-Room in the Same. Servants cross the stage, carrying dishes, wine, &c. Enter Darkly and Dolly Flare.
Lo! where the servants of iniquity
Bear carnal meats in to the revellers!

But, Mr. Darkly, hear me. I believe
You meant no harm to a poor orphan girl,
Yet, O! you 've done one, sir.

Avoid thee, woman!
Why dost thou still pursue me with thy tongue,
And break upon my meditations thus?
I tell thee, as a servant of the truth,
I know not what thou mean'st.

Then listen, sir.
You know the time you sought me, to exhort
And drive the tempter from me?—

Truly, maid:
And it befell that, waxing strong in faith,
I was caught up in spirit, and abode
Above an hour entrancéd.

And I, too,
I was caught up in spirit.

Happy soul!
And when I woke, I found thee standing by,
Weeping and wailing at what thou didst call
Thy “loss of honor;” and it so befell,
The night being dark, thy honor being but small
We could not find it. Although I arose,
And lit a taper, and did search the room,
Even from the centre to the ends thereof.


It is not possible you do not know
My meaning, Mr. Darkly!

As a lamb,
So am I innocent of thy intent.
Unless, perchance, thy so-called honor be
A bead, a trinket, or such vanity,
As maids delight in.

Were you quite entranced?
Do you remember nothing?

I was rapt
Above this sublunary sphere; the world
Fell from me like a garment; yea, the flesh
Was melted in the spirit, as a vessel
Cast in amid the burning.

Then I'll speak
Right up and down.—

Speak, but beware the wrath!
If thou dost stain my hearing with such talk
As enters in the organs of the vile,
Lo! I will curse thee with a cleaving curse!
I'll plunge thee quick into the fiery pit,
Where roaring devils broil, and hiss, and stew
On brimstone embers of eternal woe!—
Where groaning Satan stamps his cloven foot,
Lashes his barbéd tail, and howls their sins
Into the splitting ears—

(Stopping her ears.)
O stop, sir, stop!
Indeed, I'll hold my tongue—indeed, I will.

Thou hast been biding with unholy men.
That man of stripes, that pagan, who afflicts
The humble servant, hath deluded thee—
Yea, even Ruffler, whom men hail a lord.
Therefore, I say to thee, depart with him;


Dwell in his tent; and make thy habitation
Among his handmaids. For, of verity,
That which man breaketh, let him also mend.
Go, I have laid commandment on thee, go!
And if he scorn thee, hie unto his wife,
And lay thy sorrows down before her feet:
So when she gives thee gold and silver coin,
Make thou return to me; and I will counsel
What pious use thy money may go to.

Is that your best advice?

Yea, verily.
(Enter a Servant, with a dish.)
Young serving-man, tarry a little while.
What dost thou bear? (Opens the dish.)
Strong meats. Ah me! ah me!

A beggar waiteth close beside the porch;
His need is greater than thy lord's. Go, thou,
And stand behind thy master, where he sits;
But make no mention of this silly dish.
[Takes the dish.]
And if he asks thee, answer, “By the way
I slipped and stumbled.” For I say to thee,
Much evil must be done, that good may come
[Trips up the Servant.]
Damsel, I will endure thy company.

[Exit with Dolly.]
Well, that must be a very pious man!
