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There was a Greaser bold and staid,
Don Gomez del Gomazza,
Who loved a gentle Greaser maid,
The Donna Frontpiazza.
Don Gomez rode a mustang proud,
And wore a bloody slasher,
Of all the gallus Greaser crowd,
He was the giddiest masher.
Don Gomez once was tempted sore,
Despite of law and order,
To glut his greedy thirst for gore
And cross the Texas border.
“So fare you well, wee lady fair,
The pretty little Donna;”
In vain she tore her raven hair,
Her Gomez was a goner.
Then hied he to the Rio Grande
With Yankee hordes to battle;
He crossed into the promised land
And went to stealing cattle.


And then with more than royal pluck,
He did his pleasing duty,
And, meeting with uncommon luck,
He started home with booty.
But oh! the Yankees fierce and strong,
While marching out to battle
Beheld Don Gomez come along
Adriving them there cattle.
They gathered in the festive steers,
And snagged the gallus Greaser,
And with a round of hoots and jeers
They hanged him to a tree, sir.
Loud wailed the Greaser maiden fair,
The Donna Frontpiazza,
Once more she tore her maiden hair
For Gomez del Gomazza.
February 12th, 1882.