University of Virginia Library


Hymn 12.

[See, O my Lord, Thy servant see]

See, O my Lord, Thy servant see,
And graciously approve
My other self, and next to Thee
The object of my love:
The love, wherewith my heart runs o'er,
I dare to Thee present,
Thine all-indulging grace adore,
And bless Thine instrument.
My gifts and comforts all, I know,
From Thee alone descend;
Thou only couldst on me bestow
So true, and kind a friend.


Cast in one mould by art Divine
Our blended souls agree,
And pair'd above our spirits join
In sacred harmony.
As sent, to bless me, from above
Thy creature I receive,
To turn my utmost strength of love
On Him for whom I live;
To raise, and help my weakness on,
The' angelic power is given,
He comes in human form sent down,
And guards my soul to heaven.
Thankful from Thy bless'd hands I take
The' inestimable loan,
And stand prepared to give him back,
To render Thee Thine own:
I dare not to Thy creature cleave,
Thy creature, Lord, recall,
Thy glory still to Thee I give,
That Thou art all in all.