University of Virginia Library


Hymn 10.

[My Jesus, my All, Thy name I confess]

My Jesus, my All, Thy name I confess,
My freedom in thrall, My help in distress,
Thy boundless compassion The cordial did send,
The strong consolation Convey'd in a friend.
The hallow'd delight With thanks I receive,
And give Thee Thy right, In praises I give:
The bliss-giving power And glory be Thine,
The plentiful shower Of blessings is mine.
I now on the scale Of friendship arise,
The kingdom assail, And press to the skies,
To joys never ending My comforts improve,
From earthly ascending To heavenly love.


Thy goodness I taste, Thy goodness proclaim,
And joyfully haste To sup with the Lamb;
Together invited Our Lord we pursue,
With vigour united We fight our way through.
Caught up in the air I soon shall ascend,
The kingdom to share With Thee and my friend,
(On earth, to each other, In heaven, well known,)
And I with my brother Shall sit on Thy throne.