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But many other kindred souls of worth,
Who left a name and fame green on the earth
And growing still, shone there with softened light;
Some clothed like spring in green, some veiled with white
Like winter, all in stainless garments clad,
And wearing all (the splendours erst they had)
The soul's apparel, mien of vision clear,
And the sweet looks that man to man endear—
High faith and humble fear, that chymist love
Unites and integrates; of which the dove
And eagle, are fit everlasting signs,
Which passion separates and peace combines.
So in that purple sky which twilight wove,
Floated the shapes of eagle and of dove,
Mated; they urged the flight and the pursuit,
And ever shadow as with shadow, mute,
Made love and pastime; as winged arrcws speed,
Feathered, from twanging bow, so they recede
And then advance in fence of amorous feuds,
A mimic war of fond vicissitudes.
As fall their passing plumes athwart the light,
Low lilies laugh and turns the red rose white;
And from the belly of the silver bowl,
From rippling wine, wit finds a song and soul
Cousin to calmness; while the lips of truth
Speak, and its hearer is the heart of youth.
Though fairy women, instant, paced between
The bird-like music's pulses, each a queen
In lower spheres, and little love-boys leapt—
Though many linkéd notes did intercept


The sovereign silence—yet 'twas silence still,
Ancient and vast, dim and ineffable;
With tender murmurs that interpreted,
Made audible to space, time's silent tread.