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He had much Action shar'd disastrous Passion,
Now subject found for sober Contemplation:
Had read large World of Men, might study there
The whole Globe it self Celestial Hemisphere.
Prime Model thought; did nature's Map afford,
Grand Volumn, Book, each Leaf with wonders stor'd.
Page, Line thereof, but that so common view'd
He causes, grounds of things could name, conclude;
Their Order, use observe, more private pleasure;
Then best enjoy'd that Phylosophic Treasure.


Conjoyned Thoughts withal where day doth Range,
Or night succeed, dispers'd Scense of Change;
I'th' Monstrous Deep, four wandring Seasons shewn,
Like Fortunes of Mankind; such prov'd his Own.
When after all those later Griefs would rise,
Like damping Fume, or gloomy Cloud surprize.