University of Virginia Library

De sancto Bartholomeo

Sein Bartelmeu þe apostel com of kinges blode
Swuþe uair man and noble he was of glade & swete mode


Oure Louerd he siwede an eorþe her ar he deide on þe rode
And isei is priuetes wiþ oþere apostles gode
Þo oure Louerd was to heuene iwend he prechede of him faste
And wide wende in mani a lond þi wile is lyf ilaste
So þat to þe lond of Inde he com þoru Godes wille
Atte on ende of þe lond he bileuede wel stille
As a strang pilgrim [] he ȝeode up and doun
He ne sede noþer on [ne] þe oþer bote bihuld þane toun
A fals god þer was in þe temple a maumet luþer inou
Þerinne was þe deuel of helle & muche folk to him drou
Þe maumet hi clupede Astrot þat þoru þe deueles miȝte
Answerie men ofte wolde & monie bynime hore siȝte
Hore speche & ofte hore limes & wroȝte wowe inou
And wanne he aȝen eni sikman of is vuel wiþdrou
Þe sikman was þanne hol anon as he moste nede amende
Wanne he nadde oþer uuel mon bote as þe ssrewe him sende
And he wiþdrou him of is uuel he moste nede hol be[o]
Þe ssrewe tolde þanne men þat is wonder miȝte ise[o]
Þat he hadde þe man iheld wiþ is holy miȝte inou
Wanne þe ssrewe nedude non oþer god bote of is vuel wiþdrou
Þeruore sikemen aldai wel þicke aboute him soȝte
And cride on him deoluoliche þat he to hele hom broȝte
Of þing þat was ek to come me esste him uer and ner
And he hom tolde of alle þing þoru þe deueles poer
Þat folk com þicke aboute him bidaie and biniȝte
And he answerede hom of alle þing muche is þe deueles miȝte
Ac after þat sein Bartelmeu to þulke cite com
Þe poer of þis false god wel clanliche he bynom


For he nemiȝte after þulke time for nomon speke riȝt noȝt
Ne ȝiue answere of noþing so he was bineþe ibroȝt
Þat folk com þicke aboute him to wite at him hore wille
Of þinges þat hi were iwoned & euere þe schrewe was stille
Wonder þere was þer of inou deol and sor also
Hi dradde þat hi were forlore oþer þat hi hadde oȝt misdo
To a toun hi wende þere biside þoru hore alre wit
To anoþer maumet is felawe þat hi clupede Berit
Hi cride on him deoluoliche þat he hom tolde uore
Wi ȝare owe god Asterot is speche hadde forlore
Ȝe ȝe quaþ þis luþer best ȝe nute noȝt hou it is
Wiþ stronge cheynen al furi he is ibonde iwis
For Godes sergant Bartelmeu þat is þuder icome
And in þe cite geþ stilleliche is poer him haþ binome
And so faste him haþ ibonde þat he nemai drawe is breþ
And as clene is ouercome as he hadde iþoled deþ
Wat is he þulke Bartelmeu þis oþer him esste anon
Þat mai make oure miȝte god as ded as þe ston
He is quaþ þis maumet of gret poer as ȝe seoþ
He mai do wiþ us wat he wole for bineþe him we beoþ
Ech day an hondred siþe and oþer such biniȝte
He kneoleþ to is God in god entente þat him ȝifþ al is miȝte
Angles he haþ wiþ him inowe ware þoru he mai do
Al þat he wole wiþ us alle and al þis he wot also
For he wot nou þere as he is al oure speche & al oure þoȝt
Þere fore ich rede ȝou wel þat ȝe ne wraþþi him noȝt
Ech maner speche þat is he knouþ and spekþ also
Bote at o word alle þing he wot þat is ido
Ȝif ȝe him secheþ þei ȝe come [] riȝt bi him as he is
Ȝe ne ssolleþ him noȝt iseo bote he wole him sulf iwis


Ac þus ȝe him mowe iknowe ȝif ȝe him mowe ise[o]
He is swuþe long of body of swuþe fair forme and fre[o]
Opriȝt he geþ & euene inou swuþe wit is is ble[o]
Is her broun & swuþe crips crispore ne may non be[o]
Muchel eiȝene & euene nose istreiȝt adoun along
Þe berd long & sid inou & somdel hor among
In a wiȝt golion he geþ he naþ cloþes namo
Al þis sixe and twenti ȝer he haþ þer inne igo
Þat fram him neuer eft hi[t] necom hit ne apeireþ noȝt of hiwe
Ne foroldeþ noȝt wiþ alle ac euere is iliche niwe
Wel he wot wat we spekeþ & wat ȝe doþ nou here
Þeruore ȝif he esseþ oȝt ȝe ne mowe ȝou noȝt skere
Ac ȝif he him wole ssewe so þat ȝe him mowe yse[o]
Biddeþ him for is Louerdes loue þat he milde to me be[o]
Þat he ne come noȝt here nei me þat ich beo to gronde ibroȝt
And itormented as mi felawe for inelle misdo him noȝt
Þo þis folemen þis ihurde hi were in grete þoȝt
Hom þoȝte longe ar hi hadde sein Bartelmeu isoȝt
Hi wende aȝen to hore owe temple ac hi were al blinde
For tweie dawes hi soȝte him faste ac hi nemiȝte him finde
In a dai as al þis folk to þe temple was ibroȝt
Forte honure hore false godes þat nemiȝte hom helpe noȝt
A gidi man þer com ek þat þe deuel hadde ibeo inne longe
Wiþinne him & bynome is wit & tormentede him stronge
Anon so þis godeman into þis temple com
Þe deuel þat wiþinne him was greot deol to him nom
Wel loude he gradde sein Bartelmeu ich biseche þe
Þin orisons me brenneþ al haue merci of me
Þis holymon stod þer biside he answerede him stille anon


Beo dombe he sede ich þe rede & þat þou out of him gon
Þe deuel flei wiþ þulke word out of him in þe place
And þe sike werþ hol & sond anon þoru Godes grace
Þat folk stod in gret wonder þo hi seie þis cas
And bihelde þe holyman þat of such poer was
And tolde wide þe holi dede þat nemiȝte noȝt be[o] ihud
In þis manere sein Bartelmeu [] in Inde was ferst ikud
Pollimius het þe king þat of þulke contreie was
Þe tidinge sone to him com of þis holi cas
A doȝter he hadde lunatik þat þe deuel hadde wiþ to done
And made hure wod euerich monþe as it fel bi þe mone
He sende to þis holiman sein Bartelmeu wel sone
Þat he hadde of is doȝter reuþe & helde hure þoru is bone
Þuder wende þis holyman & þis maide he fonde
Bitinge al þat nei hure come & grenninge faste ibonde
Þis holyman stod & biheld þane deuel he made out wende
Hure riȝte wit he[o] hadde anon and to hure liues ende
Welle glad was hure uader þo & elles it were wou
He let vecche forþ riche cloþes and gold and seluer inou
And chargede camailes þer wiþ and wiþ ȝimmes also
To presenti wiþ þis holyman þat such dede hadde ido
Ac þer nas non þat miȝte him finde þo hi come mid al þis prute
Þer by hy miȝte vnderstonde þat hi tolde þerof lute
Þo nomon nemiȝte him finde hit of þoȝte sore þe kinge
Ac naþeles þis holyman neforȝet him no þinge
As he lay a niȝt inis bed and on him uaste þoȝte
Þis holyman stod him biuore he nuste wo him broȝte
Sire king he sede wat was þe to sende me such prute
Þou ne paidest me riȝt noȝt ich tolde þerof lute
Ac þe tresour þat ich of telle þat is heuene riche


Þat ne apeireþ neuere ne rousteþ ac is euere iliche
Forto teche ȝou þulke lawe hider ich am ibroȝt
And to bileue ȝoure false godes þat nemowe helpe noȝt
And ȝif þou nelt of þisse þinge ileoue þat it soþ be
Com wiþ me to ȝoure false god & þou sselt þat soþe ise
Þe king wende þo forþ wiþ him to hore false god anon
Hi fonde þere of luþer prestes biuore him monion
And dude to hom hore sacrefise as hi were iwoned to done
Þe deuel þat wiþ inne him was wel loude gradde sone
Wrecches he sede bileueþ anon ne onureþ me riȝt noȝt
Leste ȝe be[o] in such torment as ich am on ibroȝt
For Iesu Cristes angles þat þe Giwes to deþe broȝte
Faste beoþ her aboute me & bryngeþ me to noȝte
For mid berninge raketeies hi habbeþ me faste ibonde
Þoru poer of hore heie Louerd þat þe Giwes ȝaf deþes wonde
And he þer after þe þridde day so weilawei þe stonde
Fram deþe to liue aros and broȝte us alle to gronde
And in eche side is apostles sende to prechi is holy name
And on of hom is nou her þoru wam ich habbe such ssame
Þat folk stod & bihuld aboute & nuste wuch it was
Sein Bartelmeu stod & siȝte & sede alas alas
Nou ȝe moweþ alle ise[o] wuch lif ȝe ledeþ her
And in wuche godes ȝe biluueþ & wuch is hore poer
Ȝif ȝe wolleþ þat ich bidde for ȝou mi Louerd þat us boȝte
And draweþ adoun ȝoure maumet & brekeþ him al to noȝte
Þo þe king hurde þis his men he het echon
Aboute him caste stronge ropes and adoun him drawe anon
Iredi was þat folk þo and caste ropes inowe
Ac hi nemiȝte him noȝt enes wawe for al þat hi drowe
Abideþ quaþ sein Bartelmeu ȝoure ropes nymeþ adoun


Þo hi hadde þis ssrewe vnbunde he sede is orison
Þou deuel he sede þat bitraist þus monimen echon
Ȝif þou wolt þat i nemake þe noȝt to þe put of helle gon
Wend out anon of þulke forme & brek it al to noȝte
Þe deuel anon mid þis word wel narwe is wei soȝte
And debrusede þe wrecche maumet and wende out þer of anon
And al þe maumes of þe temple he todasste echon
Þat folk stode alle and þis iseie wel loude hi gonne to crie
Þer nis bote on almiȝti God ibore of þe maide Marie
Sein Bartelmeu cride on God and bad is orison
An angel com so briȝt so sonne fram heuene liȝt adoun
To þe four heornes he flei aboute and in euerich he drou
Wiþ is finger a uair crois apert and cler inou
Mi Louerd he sede me send hidere & as he me sede
Þis temple ichelle biuore ȝou alle clansy of eche foulhede
And ichelle nou uerst þane deuel ȝou alle ssewi iwis
Þat ȝe mowe þat soþe ise[o] wuch ȝoure bileue is
Ac þei he be[o] grislich to biholde nabbeþ þerof no doute
Ac such signe as ich habbe imad in þis four heornes aboute
Makeþ þulke sulue signe in ȝoure forheued echon
And ech luþer þing and luþer drede fram ȝou ssel anon gon
Þo made hi alle in ȝare front þe forme of þe rode
And þe angel hom ssewede al abrod þene deuel as hi stode
Þe forme of a grislich man þat al forbroide were
Swartore þanne eny blouman wiþ wel grislich chere
Ssarp face he hadde & al forcroked is berd grislich & long
Þe eiȝen brode and al bernynge red & swart among
His her tilde to is fet and after þe ssrewe drou
His honden bihinde at is rug hi were þere god inou
Berninge spelden al stinginge out at is mouþ he blaste


And fur of brymston out at is nose þat stonk also wel uaste
Croked was is nose & mouþ wrecched was is bone
Bote þis were an hende bacheler abid forte efsone
Nou day þat habbe such louerding and al þat him wel loue
Þei þe ssrewe habbe to muche miȝte euere God is aboue
Þou luþer þing quaþ þis angel þat here ert vnder me
For þou dest Bartelmeu is heste ichelle habbe reuþe of þe
And vnbinde þe and lete þe fle[o] an eorþe in eche ende
Forte þe dai of dome come þat þou to helle wende
Þo þe ssrewe vnbonde was wiþ wel grislich bere
He flei awei among hom alle and necom neuere eft þere
Þo þe angel hadde al þis ido to heuene he flei anhei
Ȝeorne cride al þat folk þat þis wonder isei
And herede God & þe angel þat þere among hom com
And cride on sein Barthelmeu þat he ȝeue hom Cristendom
Þe king Pollimius wiþ is quene al is children nom
And let hom baptise of þe apostel & suþþe al is kynedom
So þat to Cristendom þat lond was ibroȝt
Þe king forsok al is lond and ne tolde þerof noȝt
And siwede sein Bartelmeu & prechede wiþ him faste
And bicom wel holyman & bissop attelaste
A broþer herre king þanne he he was of grete prute
Astriages was is name þer biside a lite
Þe tiþinge of sein Bartelmeu wel sone to him com
Hou he turnde Pollimius [] is broþer to Cristendom
A Louerd muche is þi miȝte as þou ssowedest in þin hine
Þat eni bodi miȝte aliue an eorþe þol[ie] such pine
A þousond men yarmed wel after him he sende
To enqueri into al þe lond wuderward he wende
Hy wende and soȝte him steorneliche he was sone ifonde


And biuore Astriages þe kyng ibroȝt faste ibonde
Bel amy quaþ þe king hou hastou on itake
Ymad my broþer wiþ tricherie [] myne godes forsake
Bi þe fei þat ich owe Mahon ichelle serui þe also
Make þe bileue þi false god oþer in strong deþe þe do
And ȝute þeof more ssame up oþer as by mannes sawe
Þou hast oure godes ellesware defouled and todrawe
Sire quaþ sein Bartelmeu þou ne seist noȝt as þe hende
Þat ich ssolde mid tricherie þin broþer heorte wende
I newende him wiþ no tricherie ac mid soþnisse & riȝte
Ich broȝte him out of misbileue to him þat haþ al miȝte
Fram godes þat beoþ al miȝtles as is þe dede tre[o]
Þat ich let al todrawe and þat þou þat soþe ise[o]
Bring me to þin oþer god and ȝif ich mai do such dede
Biluf þat he is miȝtles and for sak him ich rede
Ac mid þe God þat ich on biluue ȝif þou miȝt on so take
Ich þe bihote triweliche þat ich him wole forsake
And ȝif þou miȝt him noþing do & ich þin ouercome
Forsak hom as hi beoþ worþe for hore miȝte hom is bynome
Nadde he bote þis word ised þat þer necom to þe kinge
A messager þat him broȝte a sori tyþinge
Þat Berit is owe god þat he wel ofte soȝte
Of þe temple was ifalle adoun & idasst al to noȝte
Þo þe king hurde þis sori he was inou
He uerde as witles man and al is cloþes to drou
He let nyme sein Bartelmeu and tormenti him wel uaste
And wiþ stronge stanes leide him on þe wile hi wolde ilaste
Þo hi him hadde defouled so þat reuþe it was to wite
As we findeþ in som stude of is lif iwrite


He let him do on þe rode is heued toward þe gronde
Vet and honde to þe treo inailed oþer ibonde
And suþþe to do him more pine as it is iwrite also
Þo he hadde þeron longe ihonge adoun he let him do
And hulde is fel fram þe uleiss al quik mid kene knyue
As me hult an oxe ded me hulde him aliue
Alas hou miȝte hi habbe þe heorte alas þe deoluol pine
Ȝute nemiȝte hi mid al þis wo bring is lif to fine
Attelaste þo he was ihuld as we findeþ iwrite also
Hi smite of is holy heued ar hi miȝte him to deþe do
His bodi was þoru Cristenmen ibured faire inou
Wel þicke also as hi derste þat folk þuder drou
Oure Louerd anon for is loue fair miracle sende
Ware þoru þe godemen aboute wel þicke þuder wende
Þe luþer king Astriages þat him let so quelle
Of þe miracle sore dradde þo he hurde þerof telle
Þe þritteþe dai þer after þat he let him martri þere
He nom wiþ him al þe grete maistres þat of þe temple were
And to þe tombe hi wende alle þer þis body lay
As sone as hi þuder come as al þat folk ysay
Þe deuel þat hore maister was tormented hom anon
For wrecche of þe holymon hi bicome gidie echon
And as wrecches so hi deide he nelet on no leng gon
He nom wiþ him þe soule forþ & bileuede fleiss & bon
Þe tidinge was sone wide ikud hi dradde hom alle sore
Þat of misbiluue were h[i] ne dorste þo namore
Ac forsoke hore false lawe and cride oure Louerdes ore
And let hom cristni echon þoru sein Bartelmeu is lore
Pollimius þat was king þat to oure Louerd him nom
Bissop hi made ouer hom alle to holde up Cristendom
Bissop [he] was twenti ȝer ar he gonne henne wende
He wende to þe ioie of heuene atte twenti ȝeres ende
Þer was of sein Barthelmeu miracle euere inou


And þat folk euere þicke aboute to is tombe drou
Ȝute þere were luþermen þat hadde þerto envie
Þat ne biluuede noȝt þat oure Louerd were ibore of Marie
A uetles hy made al of led and þerinne hi caste
Þis holi bodi wel uilliche and dutte is suþþe uaste
And caste it amidde þe se to deliueri hom so
Ac ȝute oure Louerd cudde is miȝte as he haþ ofte ido
For þat led aȝen is kunde þei it uuel were is riȝte
Bigan to vleote aboue þe water þer was Godes miȝte
For þe water nadde poer non to holde him bineþe at gronde
To þe toun it flet of Lippari þere it was ferst ifonde
And inome up of Cristen men and faire an eorþe ibroȝt
Þei he were þer oure Louerd ȝute ne forȝet him noȝt
For miracles he sende riue aboute þat bodi þere
Attelaste somme luþer men þat in þe londe were
Hadde þerto strong envie a time hi stele þerto
A[nd] nom upe þe bones fram þe stude þat hi were on ido
And in þe countreie aboute is bere and caste euerich inis side
Somme in o stude and somme in oþere and tospradde is so wel wide
For hi ne ssolde neuere togadere come miracle to do
Longe as Godes wille was defouled hi were so
Sein Bartelmeu com suþþe him sulf to a monk þere biside
Mine bones he sede beoþ icast and tosprad wel wide
Inelle namore þat hi beo so þeruore þou most gon
To niȝt aboute þer as hi beoþ & bringe is togadere echon
A sire merci quaþ þis oþer hou ssolde ich knowe nou
Fol wel quaþ þis holyman & ichelle þe telle hou
Ech of hom þere as hi liggeþ þer it derk niȝt beo
Ssyneþ so cler so þe sonne þat feor þou sselt hom iseo


Þis monk wende forþ biniȝte he ne fond of hom noȝt on
Þat ne ssinde so cler so sonne and so he gaderede echon
In a ssip he broȝte is in þe se wiþ gret onur attenende
Þat woder is swete wille were oure Louerd hom ssolde sende
A wind þer com and drof þat ssip softe and euene inou
So þat to þe lond of Apille þat ssip euene drou
Þere were þe bones uaire auonge & faire in ssrine ido
Moni uair miracle þer com suþþe & ȝute þer doþ also
Nou bidde we ȝeorne sein Bartelmeu þat hei apostel is
Þat we þe watloker þoru is bone come to heuene blis