University of Virginia Library

Third Day.

Lo here, within the Waters liquid Womb
The unborn Earth lay, as in native Tomb;
Whilst she at first was buried in the Deep,
And all her Forms and Seeds were fast asleep.
Th' Almighty Word then spake, and streight was heard,
The Earth her Head up from the Waters rear'd.
The Waters soon, as frighted, fled apace,
And all were swiftly gather'd to one Place.
See now the Earth, with Life and Verdure crown'd,
Spring from her Bed, gay, vigorous, and sound:
Her Face ten thousand Beauties now adorn,
With Blessings numberless from Plenty's Horn.
Here, there, and ev'ry where they richly flow,
For us Almighty Bounty them does strow.
The Hills and Dales, the Lawns and Woods around,
God's Wisdom, Goodness, and his Pow'r resound.
Both far and near his Wonders they proclaim.
How vilely then is wretched Man to blame,
If he forget to praise that liberal Hand,
Out-spread from Sea to Sea, from Land to Land?