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The Poetical Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden

With "A Cypresse Grove": Edited by L. E. Kastner

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[ix] Icarvs.

Whilst with audacious Wings
I sprang those airie Wayes,
And fill'd (a Monster new) with Dread and Feares,
The feathred People, and their Eagle Kings:
Dazel'd with Phœbus Rayes,
And charmed with the Musicke of the Spheares,
When Pennes could moue no more, and Force did faile,
I measur'd by a Fall these loftie Bounds;
Yet doth Renowne my Losses counteruaile,
For still the Shore my braue Attempt resounds:
A Sea, an Element doth beare my Name,
Who hath so vaste a Tombe in Place, or Fame?