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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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['Tis not to make a Partie, or to ioyne]


'Tis not to make a Partie, or to ioyne
With any Side, that I am what I am.
All Faction I abhorre, all Sects disclaime;
And meerly Love of Truth, vnto the Shyne
Of Reason, which I have,
Gvides me; for had I sought to other Ends,
I could have bene as popular, as brave,
And had as many freinds,
To support all I vndertooke, as they,
Who move beyond me now, and more display.


For Hee who setts a valew on his Heart,
May what he lists Atcheive; I am as free
To either Side, or Anie, as I see
Truth to the Skale incline. I have noe part
Beyond the Naturall
Free vse of Reason; and I cannot bend


To any blast of Time; nor Stoop, nor fall
To a sinister End;
But must encounter where my Reason gvides,
The Puissance of Any, Either Side.


And I am fixt, but yet not rooted in
Opinion, to the hazard of a haire.
I am not limited to anie Square,
But free to any better; I have bin,
Perhaps, not ever thus;
And am as Apt, if a Cleare Motive draw
My Reason, yet to Change. I'me free to chuse,
And doe not care a Straw
How others Censure; for I must incline
To Truth, as my Faith gvides, in her best Shine.


And as I stand, all Reason I yet know
Warrants the Path I tread in; all I heare
In controverted Causes, makes it cleare;
For 'tis not Force of Argument can bow
Mee to another forme;
But a cleare Evidence of Truth, which must
Shoot liveing raies, to qvicken and informe
The Soule; and wee may trust
Her secret workings. If wee loose this mind,
She doth not faile to worke; but wee are blind.



How cleare I stand to Truth! and doe not breath
To any purpose, if I let her goe;
Had I ben Mercenarie, there was no
Second respect, but stood to tempt my faith.
I might have sitt vpon
The wheele of Action, high and Eminent.
I am not meerlie Dull; I could have done,
By a safe President,
As well as other Men; and had I made
But that my End, it had bene noe ill trade.


Had Politicke respects invited mee,
You cannot thinke I would have gon this way.
I am derided; and you will not say,
I can grow wealthy. Scorne and Povertie
Attends each Step I tread;
Yet am I fixt. I doe not value Life,
Nor name, nor Fortune; neither am I led
By a Demonstrative
Rule in the Case; nor willinglie admitt
Humane Devices, Subtletye of witt.


Though further be it from me to Affect
That obstinacie, which I must confesse,
Is not in nature void; that frowardnes
Many assume, meerlye to contradict


I am not in the List,
Truth be my wittnes; but I looke on things
With a cleare Eye, a Iudgment not possest;
For preiudice still brings
A Moat for Either; but I doe my part,
To all I am; with a Clear single Heart.


If Single Love of Truth, if Innocence,
If to neglect opinion, not to Strive
For popular Applause; if to beleive,
From principles which in themselves convince,
Be to be factious; if
To labour for an inward Peace, and Sitt
A sad Spectator of the common greife;
If to renounce my witt,
And looke on Qviet meerlie, be a Crime!
I am not wise Enough to observe the Time.