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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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32 Of Free will.

I know a foolish fellow hath a fashion,
To proue that all is by Predestination,
And teach's, nor man, nor spirit hath free will
In dooing, no, nor thinking good or ill.
I am no Doctor at this disputation,
Nor are deepe questions fit for shallow skill:
Yet I'le renounce, with learn'd men reputation,
If I disproue not this by demonstration:

Ile proue so plaine, as none can it resist,
That in some things, three things do what they list:
The wind, saith Scripture, where it list doth blow,
His tongue talkes what it lists, his speeches showe,
My heart beleeues him as it list, I know.